
Chapter 202: A Hero

< Warning, Danger approaching! >

Three elves appeared behind Kevin as they drew near him with swords in their hands.

The elves are one of the men that bought the Triling rings from Mr Yun. Mr Yun failed to take back the rings from them even after all his attempts to rob him, give him false hope

"Is this the man who wanted to buy our rings?" One of the men said with a deep menacing voice.

Mr Yun nodded his head slightly. His actions were mixed with fear and regret. He wanted to save Kevin but he couldn't. He wondered what will happen to Kevin. He realised that he had betrayed Kevin's trust.

The trust Kevin had in him to go bring the remnants of the rings only to come back the second day and collect it.

But he betrayed him and Kevin wasn't going to spare a single one of them.

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