
Mass Release/ Chapter 73: Anger Spell

< Charm stat point has been reduced to a half >

The girls came back to their senses and as they came to a realization of what they just did, the two blushed in embarrassment.

Although Jeri wasn't so bothered by the fact that she kissed Kevin, Lexa was so embarrassed. She recalled all what happened and wondered if it was really her that did that. She saw Kevin's glowing face and as if she was charmed by a spell, she suddenly doesn't know what she was she was doing. She walked towards Kevin and had kissed him, is that not embarrassing. Lexa squeezed her lips and cried within herself.

'What did I just do? I can't face Kevin like this. No, it's so embarrassing.'

"Lexa, Lexa are you okay?" Kevin saw her facing the back with her head turned to the floor.

Kevin walked towards Lexa and grabbed her hands. "Lexa, it's alright.. I'm sorry for what I did. It was unintentional."

"I'm the one at fault why are you begging." Lexa mumbled within herself.

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