
Chapter 42 Posion Resistance

I promptly enter the giant 18th floor and descended into what can only be called a paradise and a safe point for adventurers.

The place was teaming with life and peace, it even has a name.

Riveria, a town inside the dungeon, is fairly big and lush for a dungeon. My body finally released after constantly fighting these days, my fingers were already hurting from griping the weapons all these days.

I rushed towards the town and are some food in return for some Vali. After having my fill I decided to relax for a while.

Finding a good enough place, I checked my status

[Traning efficiency has been increased in the place of Exilia powerup]

[Robin Alphonso]

[Rank:7 (Three stats need to be above 350 to advance)(all stats need to be above 100)]

[Stat Points:56]





[Mana:Not available]


[Skill points:27]

[Skills:Apex Predator(6), Evolved Senses(6), Weapons Grandmaster(3), Auto Meditation(4), Prodigy(5), Aura Manipulation, Weaken(8), Last Stand(8), Blacksmith(10) ]

[Techniques:Battlewill Arts(Expert)]

I wanted to save up on the skill points until I needed them, so I will have to stick to increasing my skill level through training.

'Or maybe the prodigy will help me out I mused.

After a bit more self-thought I felt myself blacken out, drifting off to sleep.



The fake sunshine drifted into the room as I got up and stretched my body, it was time for me to do the grind again. I have 8 days before Hestia starts worrying about me.

After touring the Riveria one last time, I bade the place goodbye and left for the 18th floor.

After going down for a while I came upon a place that looked like a forest, the walls, floors and ceiling were made out of wood, at least that's what I think.

The 19th through 24th Floors are known as the Large Tree Labyrinth. Instead of phosphorescent light, radiating moss grows across the floor and gives off blue light.

These floors contain a large number of unexplored areas and a large variety of insect-type monsters. The plant diversity on these floors often provides ingredients used to make healing items which results in many resource-gathering quests being issued for this area. The 24th Floor is at least half the size of Orario and there are rare trees that produce valuable gems which are guarded by Green Dragons, the strongest monsters on the floor.

My goals on this floor and the one below these are to gain resistance to poison so that I can gain another development ability and not have to choose the abnormality resistance. and waste a slot.

Also, it would be great if I could explore and discover treasures, as for those green dragons, they will prove to be good training partners.

With a new goal, I started collecting everything that looked worth my time. It only took me about an hour before I got the poison resistance skill, why did I get that, I was constantly being poisoned, but kept going since I knew that auto meditation and Aura manipulation will help me resist ot for long enough to earn the thing.

This brings us to the next question about why I haven't earned any other type of resistance yet...like the fire, water etc.

It's because I am not a crazy guy that will stand in front of flames and let them hit him, they leave scars alright.

Though now that I have learned the diamond body path, I can give it another try, my senses were constantly scanning for any enemies or anything valuable.

So it was a lot harder for any monsters to surprise me, after a while, I was ambushed by a Bugbear, a bipedal Bear monster whose as or stronger than a minotaur with added agility that makes it strong, not to mention the fact that behind me is a two-meter talk boar that has insane defence and attack power.

I turned on my Last stand and weaken, which allowed me to easily dispatch the two monsters , only to dodge to the side and shoot another bullet blast into the air, where a giant bird was spewing fire from it's mouth.

It issued small sounds from it's mouth, as if mocking me ,I had missed my shot, or rather the bird was fast enough to dodge my attacks.

After a moment of thought I decided to let him be, Firebirds are known to only use long ranged attacks.

'And I can earn the fire resistance skill' I thought with a smile as I felt the flames attack me, only to leave a small amount of heat on my body, as they slid off like I was not a being made of flesh and blood

'Yay! for the Diamond path '

although I knew that if I met stronger monsters, the diamond path will be less effective.

I spent the day cleaning out the place and fighting monsters one after another, some came in herds and other came in alone.

The firebird had lost interest in me after a few shots so didn't gain the skill in the end.

Though judging from the various plant in my inventory, which I knew for a fact were used in making potions, that I had earned enough for today.

As I was about to leave the place, I felt a green colored aura, which was really weird, as most monsters ,except for a Rex monster, have a white aura, the same as me.

I flew towards the location with Haze activated to not be discovered.I reached the place in a moment

It was a clearing surrounded by large trees and in the middle was a giant deposit of plants


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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I love you guys <3

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