
To Tell You The Truth


Well, Theo wasn't entirely wrong. At least not in his perspective. So, Azura just stood still to hear what the latter was about to let out.

"It was a poor animal who couldn't even speak itself out. Wild or mild, it doesn't matter. You asked me why did it matter to me. Now I'd want to ask you! Why do you hate them so much, Azura?" Theo breaks on his interrogation but was only welcomed with silence as the lady chose to clench her fists as a response. This triggered Theo even more.

"Why only the existence of a wolf hurt you so much that you did something like that? Why do you hate wolves? Why!"

"Because their presence around us is the reason why my mother isn't around us anymore! They slaughtered my mother. Slaughtered her to death!"


When someone in a family loses their life and bids their goodbye, the environment usually becomes mournful and sorrowful with no word being spoken and no heavy movements taking any place.

However, the scenario was subtly, slightly different here. "She killed it! She killed our messenger!"

"What? How is that possible? He was right there with her, no?"

"It's not the time to argue with this nonsense. Just forward this information around the clan you ungrateful slaves!"

And just as instructed, the said maids and men begin dashing here and there in panic and petrification.

As much as everyone was unveiling this information to the entire reals and to everyone, no one wanted this piece of information to be reached where it was supposed to be the most.

"Master, my master!" The sound breaks as the owner of it falls on their steps through the staircase.

All eyes were set on them as the silence took place in order to make the latter audible even more than they already were.

When it seemed to have passed a few seconds with no further elaboration, a feminine and fierce voice rose. "What is it that made you lose your breath and balance, Harlow?"

"He… He's dead. Our messenger that we sent to them is dead." Harlow exclaimed and the surroundings were stunned.

"Are you being serious with this? How is that possible? He was one of our finest breeds. Who did it!"

Lowering his head in defeat, the informer spoke, "Princess Azura."

"That can't be… Wasn't he there with her?"

"He was but she was unstoppable. That too just in her vulnerable human form. Just think what will happen when she'll become–"

"Hush…" Shushed the woman. "Hush, Harlow. Hush. Whatever will happen, happen for good. Good for us. Good for Aurelius."

"But master, we just lost our warrior."

An odd smile flared upon the woman's face. "One of our warriors, Harlow." She corrected before adding further, "It is not a loss when it will result in something good. It's a sacrifice. And definitely it will be worth it."

Harlow looked perplexed and made an interrogative expression as if to ask a question. Which soon got answered.

"This is a sign that her fear is getting cleared and soon she'll be here. Around us, around her people. What we should be alert about now is not to let our enemies reach her. Not now, not ever, never."


"Hey, how are you feeling now?"

It's been a few minutes since the question was asked and after receiving no answer till now, the sound asks again. "Azura, look, I didn't know. Hell, I still don't know what's the entire thing behind your mother and those who attacked her. I am of course sorry for hurting you with my words and never understanding you. But, how would I even when you never told me!"

"Then what else do you expect, Theo? To tell you the threatening story of my mother's death to just anyone?"

"But I am not just anyone!" Theo almost yells before his tone smoothens and he says further. "Well, at least I thought. Thanks for letting me know my place."

Now it was the lady's turn to sigh as Theo went even more mad than she was and he had a valid reason also.

So, when he was about to stand and rush away, Azura held onto his wrist. Just like how many times Theo did with her but this time tables were turned. Not sure if for good or for bad but let's see…

"I know that you know that I didn't mean it. Especially not for you. You know you're not just anyone. You know your place. Your place in my life. In my heart."

A sarcastic chuckle comes out from Theo's mouth. "Heart? Huh. You don't even keep me in mind when it comes to this and you're talking about heart."

And once again, Theo proceeded to leave. Only to be stopped by Azura again.

"Wait, Theo. Okay, I'll let my mind and heart, both of it out. You wanna hear, then here."

Theo looks at the latter as she takes a breath before letting it out. "I don't even know how my Mom looked in person because I never even got to see her in real life. She was gone long before I gained consciousness. And no, it's not that she was some weak woman or something. She was brave, bold and used to the cold. Cold environment of these woods."

Azura seems to have lost in thoughts at the mentioning of her later mother.

"My parents were literally howling humans of these woods. Their skills of chasing the finest treasure and hunting the harmful creatures around was like a piece of pie for them. But, who knew that these animals weren't just some wild animals but literal, brutal monsters!"

A short pause took place as the lady regains her cool. "They were just exploring around the woods like usual when suddenly a trio of wolves surrounded them. They tried tracking them down as they used to but failed. Terribly failed…" Azura's voice breaks in between before she aggressively proceeds.

"They couldn't fight because their finest weapons were thrashed into finest pieces in minutes. That was the first time they got frightened by an animal. The first time they had to run. Run like cowards just for the sake of their lives!"

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