
Taking a photo with Ethan Ainsley

Ethan Ainsley lifted his hand, wiping away her tears with his fingertips, his voice containing a hint of restraint, "You're crying so hard, did I accidentally bully you earlier?"

Lola Hussey choked back a sob and nodded, "Yes."

"In what way?" He asked quietly, his voice raspy at the end.

Lola Hussey: "..."

She wiped her tears as if the girl who had just been crying her heart out was not her.

"Don't make fun of me, it's not funny." Having said that, Lola Hussey pouted and turned around to leave.

Behind her was Ethan Ainsley's cool and astringent voice, "Am I really joking?"

Lola Hussey suddenly stood still on the spot.

She prepared countless expressions to face him.

But as soon as she turned around, she took on a submissive posture, "You know, I've lost my memory. Also, being so poor and ordinary, how could I possibly be your fiancée, right? To be fit for someone like you is beyond me."

"Didn't you just win a hundred million dollars?" Ethan Ainsley reminded her.

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