They watched the post-production on a customized theatre on the Indian building they've bought for the out-of-Hollywood operations.
Alexander and Sullivan were now familiar with some of the finished product and what was left was the process in which it was achieved.
Alexander knew how the film was recorded and shot but his knowledge was blank when it came to the editing process. He had some ideas but he was still blind to the true process in which it was done.
Other Joe and the peers of his time knew the general idea of how it was achieved but it was mostly speculation for the most part.
"Maybe grandpa and I should tour you to the workshop, Alexander! You'll be surprised at how far we've come with your five special keys!" Mark suggested and the boy had no disagreements.
As they left, Patel and his workmates tidied up the film samples. They handled it with care as these sorts of copies are necessarily treasured due to their importance.
Damage is acceptable as there are still other copies, however, in a scenario by which they are leaked to the outside, they would make or break the mystery of the film... with the latter being the most probable scenario.
Young Alex was following his father and noticed that the editing was compartmentalized into several rooms.
The rooms had so many gigantic film strips and arguing Indian picture editing specialists that Alexander had the basic gist of what they were for. He only conceptualized it but didn't really know it would work, thankfully, his father being able to truly apply it made him put down his worries.
When Mark opened the first room until the last, he explained the purpose for which they are separated as so.
"As you have seen, every room has a team of our Indian friends. The team has specific expertise that would let them effectively do their job."
"They are tasked with a specific visual cut from our filming process and do the necessary backbreaking work to make the magic appear on the screen."
Essentially, Mark had no choice but to capitalize on this country's abundant power and sleeping talents to achieve what he wanted to achieve. There were about twenty rooms and in every room, there were ten or so people. Doing the math and the exceptionally low pay they are taking, it was a win to the books of the capitalistic Creeds.
Mark rambled on about film history to his son and tried summing up how the idea became feasible.
"The film is the strip which carries the stilled fragments of a recording. These still but varying pictures when moved at a fast pace would become the foundation of the motion picture or movie that is known today."
"Editing followed the forming of the motion picture as it breaks the traditional stiffness of the moving pictures. It opened up the way to complex storytelling by rearranging the more linear pattern of the strips of the film."
"After editing, comes the point where the motion picture was introduced to another possibility. When those still pictures themselves would be the ones that would be manipulated. Thus, the visual effects that birthed the uncanny illusions were born."
"Sound and color were what followed but what I was focused on was the aspect of manipulation."
For every box in the film that represents a picture, he had experts and picture innovators manipulate those images to be able to achieve the level of effect that he wanted.
It was as if the recording would be paused every 0.1 seconds and at that moment, layering in the ghost image or the glowing eyes.
The succeeding 0.1-second picture must have a connecting and flowing layer of manipulation that would connect to the previous 0.1 seconds.
"I remembered Alex's fifth key which was about spirit and... meticulousness!" Mark went ultra-meticulous that even his son, who hinted at the idea, was unable to cope.
"I don't know about what your little hints are pointing at me but they are pretty helpful for me to be able to come up with this method."
Alexander could very well tell that what his father is doing is photoshop but at an earlier time period. He must have unlocked such a possibility when the true technology of film was laid out to him.
Although Mark showcased it in simple terms when they visited the designated film photoshop room, there was still an even more complicated process than that.
The film and the pictures within it are too little that only the likes of Antman could apply sophisticated editing. But, fortunately for his father, knowing the film strip's technology opened up his possibilities.
Every single 0.1s picture would be enlarged for layering and filtering. Complicated editing that requires even more meticulous manipulation demands a large canvas such as that.
The semi-real and janky spirits were achieved by hiring hand-drawn animators and having them draw on the large 0.1s picture canvas.
It was like the iteration of Who Framed of Roger Rabbit and the Looney Tunes Basketball special. Instead of going for those cartoony colors, skilled Indian artists had to prove their little money's worth to make the layered picture seem more ghastly, ethereal, and realistic through ingenious color mixing and the use of shade.
When all of those processes are done! Then, it would then be minimized to natural film size when the effect is achieved.
This is made possible due to the Creeds knowing the secrets to the copying and multiplication of the film. Instead of a natural copy of the same size, Sullivan and Mark had experts configure the patented device to produce much larger products and copies
Of course, there was also the green screen magic and computer trickery being used to achieve Kid Psychic's stunning graphic illusions.
Building breakings, levitations, and explosions wouldn't be achieved without all the special effects mediums that they used in the filming process.
But the real icing that made Mark bridge the 30-year gap is undoubtedly his meticulous editing strategy. There was no doubt that all of Alexander's hints about the five keys came through.
Other Joe watched a Youtuber who watched movies at 0.25x speed, so this was where Alex founded the idea that combining slow speed and photoshop in this era would be phenomenal... and it really was.
This meticulous and arduous process is way too complicated and would be quite pricey if they were to continue and weren't in an extremely discounted country.
Fortunately, Sullivan and Mark noticed this problem and were already hiring computer experts on how to bridge this gap by having the computers ease these problems.
Digital editing and videomaking were still far off into the 1990s when they would surge but what is stopping Alexander and the Creeds from making it happen earlier?
Other Joe had coincidentally read up on this subject and through Alexander's timely input about possible computer advancements, it would be no doubt that another edge would be added to their arsenal.
This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.
You've been warned!