
Chapter 72 .

    The day for the exam came I and Gabriella sent an alarm to woke us both but we woke up before the alarm seems it was due to the tension we both were feeling, The first exam in college which had be aticipated for had come. Gabriella took her bath first while I toast some loaves of bread for us to have for break fast also prepared hot chocolate pouring it into our can. Soon Gabriella was done so I rushed in and rushed out minutes later, My dress was lying on my bed already I quickly creamed my body wore my black colour short dress with a brown colour sandal bunned my hair up above my neckline picked my backbag Gabriella had already packed the toast bread and the can of our hot chocolate into our bag, We left for our class.

   Getting there lot's of students were outsise some were chatting, listening to music and dancing other were reading with books to their face, We walked inside to check for the rest Kelvin, Sera and Gabriella were sitting together they came ealier than us.

   "Hey everyone" I greeted as we walked in.

"Hey! They all said as we hugged.

   "Some people did not sleep at all" Gabriella said jovially looking at them.

   "I know you are referring to us, I could not see properly last night more like an heavy load was placed on me which kept pulling me, This exam should end fast so I can breath well" Sera said breathing aloud.

   "We woke up before the alarm I set" I said giggling.

  "Woaw!!! I was having the feeling that I was having that problem alone now I know" Sera said.

  Gabriella bought out her breakfast and started 

eating I could not eat mine to aviod an upset when the exam begins due the tension I was. I just continued answering questions from the E-book still it was time for the exam to begin. 

      Our bags were kept in fornt after which we all sat in two rows I and Gabriella sat together while Gabriel and Sera were behind us and Kelvin behind them the exam officials distributed the booklet to us where the questions and an answer space was provided I started by entering my details correctly then waited for us all to be informed to begin which was done minutes after I read the question through first to calm that tension I was feeling and it worked I was revealed immediately next I started with the less complicated question which was like the one I answered on the E-book in the morning. We were to answer three questions out of five which was so easy it was an hour exam.

   Noise could be heard from the back just twenty minutes into the exam  which was distrubing because it was an exam not a normal class a female exam official immediately called them to order, peace and orderliness was restored back to the class. Some group of student just rushed from the back submitting their booklet sure they were not done because it was just thirty minutes into the exam except they were exceptional students but they all can't be exceptional students I was already rounding up my explaination for my last question when I noticed Gabriella was done and had covered her booklet preparing to submit I never planned submitting early because I always settle down for some last minutes pionts to add for more grades.

   "I want to submit now" Gabriella said.

I just smiled and nodded my head to her to aviod disremembering some pionts that were coming to my head that moment next I noticed Kelvin passed to submit also Sera and Gabriel. Next I noticed someone passed then whisphered my name checking more the person was I looked up it was Noah smiling and winking at me. This dude is crazy I know, I said to myself as I smiled back to him. I was done so I went submitting immediately picked my backpack then went out of the class block to met the rest where they were sitted.

   "Hey brainy" Gabriella said as I walked closer.

"That's a new name" I said amazed as I sat down.

   "Yes and it suits you because you planned answering the complete five questions before submitting" Sera said jocosely.

   "Ohhh you both are not serious I don't like submitting exam booklet that early because I always feel they are still some pionts to writting once I'm convined I have written all I then submit" I said explaining to them. "I'm famished" I said picking my bread and hot chocolate it was still hot because I poured it in a can I ate fast so we all could leave for our lodge because we had just one paper per day.

  As I was done eating we left for our lodge.

"Noah greeted me in the exam hall" I said to Gabriella .

   "Ohh I saw him while he was coming out of the class but we were a bit far from where he was so I didnot bother calling him, I'm sure he just came checking how your behaviour will be towards him hope you greeted him? Gabriella asked.

   "Yes I smiled back to him, I have nothing against him I made that clear when we spoke about the whole issue that day" I replied.

   "That's good once the exam is over just advise him to try talking to Laura to aviod continous haterd among them" Gabriella advised.


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