
Chapter 19.

    " Last night my mom called, you will notice all was going smoothly until she mentioned Mason" she said woefully.

   " Yes I noticed it" I replied her immediately. "Who is Mason? Because Gabriel also mentioned that name while we were at his place" I said.

 " Yes Gabriel did, I will try explaining everything to you. My mom is a young widow" Gabriella said in tears. "My dad died before our birth,He was an aerospace engineer who died in service according to what mom told us,it happened barely a year after they both got married which was the frist trimester of her pregancy with the pain and grieving mom though she would had miscarriage but seems I and Gabriel were strong to over come all that" she said with an hearty laugh.

        Mason was mom's Ex lover while she was in nursing school they were more like colleague and later got seperated, After dad's funeral mom had to relocate and of course she had to work in order to pull through and also graith our arrival, Mason happened to work in mom's new place that was how they both met and he has being of great support to mom and us since our birth, Now they are married" Gabriella said in an hushed tone.

    "Wow they are married? I was amazed.

"Yes they are," she replied with a plastic smile.

" You are not happy with your mom's remarrying ? I asked gabriella.

   "I'm but not to her Ex lover, wait you don't find anything wrong with it?  she asked, looking at me with this funny look.

   "Gabriella," I said, holding her by her hands. "Please don't get me wrong, '' You said Mason has been supportive to your mom and also to you and your brother. Why can't you accept him since he makes your mom happy? Gabriella please support your mom's marriage so that she can heal from the early demise of your dad. So would you have preferred her getting married to any other person but not her Ex? I asked Gabriella.

      "Yes" she replied and laughed.

"I don't need to say anything, your  laugh has said it all, please accept him so you all can live as a happy family" I said advicing Gabriella. So when are you calling your mom? I asked her.

   "Calling my mom? She asked surprised.

"Yes, to inform your mom that they have your blessings from their new union. I replied with a smile.

    With a smile" I never said I have accepted yet" Gabriella said.

    "Gabriella, please compensate me for the babysitting I did last night by calling your mom and saying that she has your full support in her new union," I said.

    "I will do that but I have to speak with Gabriel first to try convincing him to also accept Mason" she replied. 

   " That's true, I agree with you on that," I said, hugging her. "Thanks for listening to me" 

  "Thanks for the care and advice, I appreciate it," Gabriella said.

     "You are welcome, I won't mind being transferred an appreciation fund to my wallet" I said laughing.

   "I will do so," Gabriella replied with a deep smile.

" Hence I forget your phone kept ringing in the showroom but you did not pick the call. Who was it? I asked 

   "Yes it was Mason," she replied.

"Ohh I see, when are you calling him back? I asked.

   "I will do that later" she replied lying down on the bed.

  "Are you sleeping now? I asked her, surprised because Gabriella is not the early to bed type.

  "I just need to relax. I'm a bit tired, '' she replied.

               I was happy that I could be of help to Gabriella and also provide a solution to a problem she was facing. I took my practical textbook to study by the reading table which was by the side of the room. I read for some time then became sleepy. I had to sleep on time because we were having pro jack's class very early in the morning the next day.


  It was the beginning of a new college week,and the weekend was over. The winter atmosphere that morning was cold. We had to heat water for bathing. I wore a brown colour knitted sweater, a light blue high waist trouser with a brown sandal. I had to carry my backpack because Gabriella's books were with me.


  We quickly went for breakfast. We were served pancakes and peanut butter with hot chocolate. Gabriel and Kelvin drank their hot chocolate drink immediately but I and Gabriella took our's to class because it was still very hot.


     Entering the class we met Sera by the entrance. She was also coming from the dining hall with her chocolate drink in her left hand.

   "Gud morning Paris" she greeted with a smile.

"Sera, you look lovely this morning. I love your  baggy sweater, it fits you," I said, hugging her.

  Her lemon colour baggy sweater really looked so perfect on her alongside with her black pant jean.



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