
Lin Mai’s Disappearance

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the entrance of the Elf Valley.

When Su Ming arrived at the entrance of the valley, he saw the flustered members of the Blood Clan walking on the same spot. They were frowning as if they were thinking about something. The people walking around in the valley would cast him curious looks.

The reason why Su Ming was able to recognize him as a member of the Blood Clan with just one glance was because the characteristics of the Blood Clan were too obvious.

His skin was so white that it looked sickly, and his fangs could be clearly seen when he turned around. He was also dressed in a way that was out of place in the Elf Valley.

The current Elf Valley, due to its prosperous development, was basically wearing more advanced and wealthy clothes.

Only this Blood Clansman was wearing a thin cloak, which was gently fluttering in the breeze from the valley.

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