
The Fall of the Yin family 4

Grand Chancellor Zhao's residence, the east courtyard.

Zhao Haoyu stood by the open window of his study and looked out to the vast compound surrounding his Pavillion. His attendant, Li Xin stood a few steps away and gave a detailed report of his investigation.

"Young master, I spoke with eunuch Zhang as you instructed and he confirmed that his Majesty is still alive. According to Eunuch Zhang, Emperor Changxi is currently held hostage by her Majesty in the Imperial prison."

His lips curved up as he heard that, he placed his hand on the window frame and looked up into the sky. His reaction surprised Li Xin, whose brow knitted, "how am I to proceed, young master".

Zhao Haoyu glanced over his shoulder at his attendant and replied, "Her Majesty has provided us with a way out. Pass the information along to Shen Xiaoriu. Inform him of his master's current condition. There is no need in keeping this information to ourselves".

"But... I...", Li Xin swallowed, "What about her Majesty?"

"Ronglei was never one to look at the bigger picture, don't let her know. Her know will only put our plans back. Xiang Ziwei was a dead man the day he married her. Do it properly, make sure to inform the hot-headed General Shen of the Emperor's dire conditions"

"Yes", Li Xin replied before bowing and leaving.

Li Xin followed Zhao Haoyu's instructions and bribed one of the third-ranked eunuchs that followed eunuch Zhang, to let it slip that the Emperor was held captive in the presence of one of Shen Xiaoriu's men.

The information got to Shen Xiaoriu and Minister Yin an hour later, Zhao Haoyu had a few of his men watching the two men. He was informed as soon as they started making moves in the dark.

He informed his father as soon as everything was set, it was already dark by the time his father returned from the palace.

Since the Emperor's death was announced, Grand Chancellor Zhao had been in and out of the palace frequently.

Zhao Haoyu waited for his father to settle in before heading to his study. Zhao Haoyu instructed his attendant to wait outside before going in.

Grand Chancellor Zhao frowned and without looking up from the official petition said, "it better be something useful, if not. Get out!"

His harsh words would have successfully chased any of his subordinates out but not Zhao Haoyu, "I am sorry to interfere, Father ".

Grand chancellor Zhao glanced up from the petition, "Haoyu, do you have anything new to report?"

Zhao Haoyu walked closer, although his father tried to pretend that he had no favourites. There was no denying that his younger sister was his father's favourite.

This news was bound to disappoint the Grand chancellor but he was left with no other choice but to report it to his father. Zhao Haoyu felt that It was better than the Grand Chancellor heard it from him and not hus younger brother.

He sighed, "one of our men at the palace just reported that Ronglei kept the Emperor hostage at the Imperial prison".

Grand Chancellor Zhao's face darkened, 'How did that happen?" He shook his head, "looks like indulged your sister too much, how could she do something all foolish. The burial is in two days, get rid of him before he becomes a problem".

"I already have it all planned, I intend to use this as a trap for Shen Xiaoriu. He has been informed of his majesty's condition. I will keep an eye on him as planned to see how he reacts. I instructed our men to watch all the exits of the palace, they will be captured and executed if they try to sneak into the palace and capture him".

Grand Chancellor Zhao smiled, "good, General Nie has been itching to kill Shen Xiaoriu. Uniform him of the plan, I don't want him to have any other ideas.

"Let us pretend to carry him along, that would hopefully keep him satisfied and help maintain a good relationship. Until we find someone that can retrain him, we should humour that hot-headed fool".

"Yes, father".


The next day.

Zhao Haoyu was alerted as soon as Shen Xiaoriu and his men snuck into the palace. Heal read had his men on guard and stationed a few around the prison.

Shen Xiaoriu had his men create a distraction by starting a fire at the Emperor's study. He snuck into the prison while everyone was focused on putting out the fire, he killed the two Prison guards before opening the prison door.

"Your majesty!" He knelt beside him and helped him up, Your majesty, I am here to get you out of here. I apologise for not coming earlier, your majesty".

He carefully lifted Xiang Ziwei and placed his head on his lap, his hand shook as it met the dagger at Xiang Ziwei's side, "This is bad, I should get you to the doctor immediately before you bleed out."

He tried to help, Xiang Ziwei up but Xiang Ziwei did not budge, "don't resist so much, your majesty. I need to get you to safety".

"No!" Xiang Ziwei said weakly, "I can't make it_ it is too late", blood rolled out of his mouth as he spoke. Shen Xiaoriu's chest tightened, his hand shook a he suddenly felt helpless.

Although his rational mind confirmed what the Emperor said, based on his observations. He refused to believe otherwise,

"it_it is not true... you will get better once I get you to a doctor", he said trying to convince himself more than Xiang Ziwei. Tears rolled down his eyes as Xiang Ziwei gave him a weak smile and shook his head.

"Every single one of them deserves to die", his hand tightened on Xiang Ziwei's wrist.

Xiang Ziwei's body shook as he fell unto shook due to blood loss, "Yes they do ... but not yet. The ... time .... has ... to right. Give them the seal to get them off your trails, then get out of here. Just lie low .... and when the time is right ..... a-attack them", he eyes grew heavier as he spoke until he could no longer hold on. He spat out more blood before everything went dark for him.

Shen Xiaoriu held him tight until he died, he wiped his tears away with a blood-stained hand and gently Shut Xiang Ziwei's eyes after he stopped breathing.

He balled up his fist and hit the ground hard, "Ah! They must pay for this", he carefully laid Xiang Ziwei's lifeless body gently on the ground and stood.

He took a few steps back and facing Xiang Ziwei knelt with a solemn expression, held out his hands, placed them over his forehead and fell forward until his forehead hit the ground. After three kowtows he left the prison.

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