
C680 Teacher Vs Student

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead!



The night air was crisp as Peter, followed by a miniature Kurama, hurriedly followed Kakashi across the rooftops of Konoha. Peter matched Kakashi's swift pace effortlessly, his god-like agility allowing him to keep up with the Jonin's impressive speed.

Behind them, the shrunken Kurama scampered along, his tiny form barely visible among the shadows of the village. "Change me back this instant!" he demanded, his voice high-pitched but fierce.

Peter rolled his eyes, not breaking stride as he replied, "Sorry, Kurama, no can do. The village is already a mess because of you. And you'd just cause more damage at full size—and scare the hell out of everyone while you're at it..."

Kurama's tiny face twisted in annoyance. "Hey! It's not my fault! I did not choose to attack the village, even if I wanted to... It was that cursed Uchiha controlling me!" His voice was laced with disgust and hatred at the mention of the Uchiha.

Kakashi, overhearing the conversation, frowned deeply. This was news to him; he had thought the Nine-Tails attacked purely out of malice. "Controlled?" he asked, his tone thoughtful, even as he leaped from one building to another.

"Yes," Peter confirmed, "that's why I didn't kill him during our fight. If Kurama had been acting on his own accord, I probably would've skinned him and made myself a nice fur coat..."

Kurama snorted dismissively. "No one can kill a Tailed Beast," he boasted. "I'd just come back to life once my chakra reformed. It might take some time, but I would return."

Peter glanced back at the small creature with a dangerous smirk. "Are you sure about that?" he teased.

A shiver of fear ran through Kurama at the implication, and he shook his head, suddenly uncertain.

Peter laughed, the sound light and mocking in the quiet night.

They continued their high-speed journey until Kakashi suddenly halted, causing Peter to stop abruptly beside him. "We're here," Kakashi announced, nodding toward a house just a short distance away. But before they could advance, a barrage of kunai rained down where Kakashi had been about to step.

Peter waved his hand, deflecting another set of kunai aimed at him. Even tiny Kurama managed to smack a kunai away with his tails, looking absurdly fierce for his size.

Kakashi's gaze sharpened as he surveyed the area, his eyes settling on a sizable group of Root Anbu stationed atop Minato and Kushina's house. "?"

A few of the Root members were equipped with ink, brushes, and scrolls, evidently trying to break the powerful seals protecting the house. But thankfully, despite their concentrated efforts, they were unable to bypass the intricate and robust seals.

Peter's expression turned serious. "Looks like we've got some idiots trying to take advantage of your village's situation."

"Danzo…" Kakashi muttered before taking a deep breath, his hand resting on the hilt of his kunai. "Let's handle this quickly. Kushina and Naruto need us."

"Sure, but something tells me they won't listen to reason…" Peter shrugged.

The mini Kurama smirked evil, "I hope they don't. It's been a while since I got to kill a human…" he said, his sharp teeth showing.

Kakashi stepped toward the Anbu, his posture relaxed but his gaze hard. "We're all Leaf ninjas here," he began, his voice steady. "There's no need for us to fight. Stand down and let's resolve this peacefully."

The leader of the Root Anbu, masked and unreadable, shifted slightly. "Our orders from Lord Danzo are clear," he replied, his voice muffled by the mask. "We cannot fail him. Either leave or die."

Peter glanced at Kakashi, his brow furrowing under his mask. The situation was deteriorating fast, and time was something they didn't have in abundance. Every second wasted here was a second Kushina might not have.

Kakashi sighed heavily, his disappointment evident. "I see," he murmured before turning to Peter and giving a slight nod.

Understanding the signal, Peter stepped up. "You had your chance to leave," he declared, his voice hard. As the words left his mouth, he launched forward.

In an instant, the quiet night erupted into chaos. Peter moved with a speed that none could follow, appearing before the Anbu in a blur. The first of them barely had time to react before Peter was upon him, a powerful kick sending the ninja sprawling to the ground, his bones snapping upon impact, a crater forming underneath his unmoving body.

Kakashi joined in, his movements a blur of precision and lethal intent. He moved through the Anbu ranks like a shadow, his kunai finding gaps in armor and striking with deadly efficiency. Each slash or stab was precise, leaving bloody bodies in his wake.

Kurama, despite his reduced size, moved with surprising strength and agility. He attacked the Anbu with fierce excitement, his tiny form darting and weaving through the chaos. Each swipe of his miniature tails carried unexpected force, knocking his opponents around like rag dolls.

Peter's next opponent swung a sword in a wide arc, but Peter ducked under the swing, webbing the Anbu's hands together and yanking him forward, impaling him on his own blade.

Moving fluidly, Peter spun to deflect a kunai with a shot of webbing, which he then used to swing the knife, embedding it into another Anbu's forehead with sickening accuracy.

As the last of the Anbu fell, the adrenaline began to fade, leaving behind nothing but dead bodies. The ground was littered with the fallen, and the air was tinged with the iron scent of blood.

Kakashi surveyed the carnage with a grim expression. "Let's go," he said quietly. They approached the house, and Kakashi dabbed a drop of his blood on the front door lock, activating his access to the seals, allowing them entry.

Inside, the scene shifted from violence to sorrow. Upstairs, in the bedroom, Kushina lay on her bed, her life force waning. On her chest, baby Naruto cried for her, his small fists flailing.

Peter's heart clenched at the sight, the earlier adrenaline rush replaced by a deep, aching sadness.

Kakashi knelt beside Kushina, his hand gently brushing her forehead. "We're here now," he whispered, though whether it was a comfort to her or himself, Peter couldn't tell.

"Minato?" Kushina groaned, opening her eyes, searching for her husband.

"No, it's me, Kakashi," he replied softly. "Minato is still fighting—" Kakashi paused, his voice trailing off as he hesitated to mention Obito.

Kushina's expression tightened with understanding and concern. "Go," she urged him, her voice barely above a whisper yet firm with resolve. "Help Minato. He needs you."

Peter stepped closer, his presence reassuring. "Minato will be fine," he assured her confidently. "Right now, we need to focus on you." As he spoke, he extended his hands, fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air.

Before Kushina's hazy eyes, a spell circle materialized, its glow vibrant and filled with mysterious, shimmering symbols she had never seen before. "?!"


The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the battered landscape of Konoha's outskirts where Minato faced Obito, the student he once thought lost. The silence was palpable, charged with tension and disbelief.

Minato's voice broke the silence, his tone a mixture of pain and incredulity. "Obito... what happened? Why? Why did you turn against the village that raised you? Against me... against your own family?"

Obito, clad in his tattered cloak, his Sharingan eye pulsating with malevolent energy, stood stoically. His voice, when he finally spoke, was cold and devoid of the warmth Minato remembered. "They deserve it, all of them. This world... it's broken. My actions are the cure."

The words stung, more painful than any kunai could ever be. Minato's heart raced, his mind reeling from the shock of seeing his once-dead student alive and as an enemy. "Your cure is to attack your own village? To harm Kushina... a woman who was like a mother to you? To endanger Naruto, our newborn son?"

Obito's expression hardened, the Sharingan spinning wildly. "Don't try and guilt me! It won't work! You know nothing of my suffering!"

With a fierce cry, Obito charged, his body blurring as he activated his phasing ability. Minato, seasoned and quick, dodged gracefully, his own body a blur of motion as he tried to engage Obito, to bring him back to his senses.

The fight was brutal, each exchange a testament to their skills. Obito's attacks were ruthless, aimed with deadly precision, but Minato was relentless, his every move calculated to subdue without causing fatal harm.

"Obito, listen to me! This isn't the way! You can still come back!" Minato pleaded as he parried a particularly vicious strike.

But Obito was beyond reasoning. "There's no coming back from this path," he hissed, launching a flurry of shuriken, which Minato narrowly avoided. "Besides, there's nothing to come back to…"

The battle wore on, each moment stretching long and fraught with tension. Minato observed, waited, his mind racing as he sought a chink in Obito's seemingly impervious state.

Then, it came—a moment of clarity amidst the chaos. Recalling how Peter had managed to counter Obito's phasing ability, Minato meticulously experimented until he unraveled the hidden weakness.

Preparing his next move with meticulous care, Minato threw a kunai with expert precision, timing it to coincide with the end of Obito's five-minute phasing cycle.

As the kunai harmlessly passed through Obito's head, Minato charged with a Rasengan whirling in his palm, both of them sprinting towards each other for a battle-ending clash.

In an instant, just as they were about to collide, suddenly, Minato teleported to the kunai that had just exited the back of Obito's head.

"?!" Obito's eyes widened in surprise, as he realized his time to phase had run out.

Twisting in mid air, Minato's hand slammed the Rasengan into Obito's exposed back. The impact was tremendous, driving Obito into the ground and creating a crater beneath them.

Obito grunted in pain, his body wracked by the force of Minato's attack. As the dust settled, Minato reached out, his fingers pressing against Obito's back, imprinting a seal that glowed briefly.

"Why, Obito? Why did you really do this?" Minato whispered, his voice heavy with regret and sorrow.

Obito lay defeated, the rage in his eyes giving way to a flicker of confusion and loss. "You… You let her die…" he murmured, his voice trailing off as he passed out, his eyes fluttering shut.

A/N: 1755 words :)




AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts
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