
93 - Captured


They had to wait a day in that cave; it was so agonizing for Alaris to just do nothing.

Finally, the passage day was open and immediately they headed for where they believed Tyrek was held captive.

Ny'ka had gone first, so there was a high probability that the army would believe that those who had been sent to kill them had eradicated all of them. They wouldn't be expected.

While they were on their journey, they found the stranger who had declared the coming of the White King’s army. He was on the ground, dead. He must have been dead for a while and killed from a close rage, too; there was a hole in his heart, one in which a dagger would have been - Nyka’s dagger.

That same dagger had made its way into his heart.

He balled his fists by his sides, retaining control with the gruesome thoughts of killing her once again.

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