
Chapter 8: Dragon Scaling

Dragons have high resilience to physical damage when using their scales, even when they choose not to use their scales they are still a force to be reckoned with. There and many types of Dragons, fire breathing dragon's are the most common, Ice related dragons are the second most common, Demon dragons are not so common, they can release a large amount of unholy flames when transformed into their true, dragon form, Angel dragons are dragons who can release holy flames, they are one of the moat liked type of dragons because of their true forms, Vampire dragons are not really well liked, since a large number of them like to drink alot of blood, when considering their true form, naturally it would require alot of blood, Elf dragons are the dragons with the most potential, they can enhance their attacks with the power of spirits and fairy's., Werewolf dragons are furry dragons who move fast in the air and on their feet, and finally Giant dragons, Giant dragons are known as the most powerful type, Giant Dragons are a hybrid between the giant race, they are ultra rare and are a size as long as a entire continent. Is is not known whether Deities or Devils have had a child with a dragon, so the results are unknown

Dragons most known weakness depends on what dragon you are talking about. For example, a fire dragon's weakness would naturally be ice or a ice dragons weakness would be fire. Same thing goes for Angel dragons and Demon dragons. However every dragon has one main type of weakness, they ultra small fillings of skin were their scales reside. Wherever a dragon has scales, near that scale is a small filling. The best way to describe it, is to think about a hard cement sidewalk with tiny cracks in it.

Dragons are known to be prideful and hate to kneel to those weaker. They only would submit or kneel to the one they love or are stronger than them by miles, if you have sightly equal strength to a dragon, they would never kneel even if you beat their face into a rainbow of colors.

[Back to the training court]

Four hours had passed and Gideon was still no were to be found. Heath Vanguard was on the verge of collasping, his feet turned red and stung, it felt like he was grinding sandpaper on his feet.

People were in their sleeping bags and some people had started fires to keep themselves warm, Heath Vanguard didn't worry to much about the little cold air in the atomosphere, he was a ice breathing type of dragon, to him the cold felt like a nice breeze under a fan.

People were eating soup that one of the werewolf's at the academy had brought, some people had forgotten what they came here for and just stayed to party.

The sky was now dark blue, which indicated it was night time, the blue moon made the werewolfs howl are the moonlight touched their fur.

Heath was still sitting in his pose, he had a had both shaking fists up to his face like a boxer,his trembling legs where in the horse stance, and his back was crouched down like a sneaky theif. He always used this stance because it confused the enemy, they had no clue wheather he was going to attack high, low, or center, they only knew he look like freaking fool.

'I will never allow anyone to humilate me like that in front of the devices' Heath thought while his legs were on the verge of tumbling over like stacked rocks.

As Heath legs were about to yell timber, a young man walked passed him with a large bowl soup, if it was any other person Heath would have ignored it, but the youth that walkes into his vision, was the same person he called

Veins burst out of his head to his feet and his legs gained more strength

"Fight Me!!!!!!!!!!" The dragon yelled out.


'This soup is pretty good, more so with the freash potato I was scammed into taking' Gideon thought while annoying slurrping the soup like a old coffee drinker.

He was walking around enjoying the youth of his day's until he heard a loud yell

"Fight Me!!!!!!!!!!" Heath Vanguard yelled out

Gideon turned around with a shocked expression and said

"You are still waiting? How persistent are you? I gave up after the second hour trying to find the center of the school, Im starting to believe I have bad direction skill" Gideon said with a smile while scratching the center of his nose with the back of his thumb.

"Doesn't matter now does it bastard"

'He kinda reminds me of Bakugo' Gideon thought while looking at the prideful and angry dragon who was on the verge of bursting a blood vessal.

One of the people who saw Gideon's face when he was being called out went back to tell everyone. People woke up and took their food with them to finally see the fight, some people didn't know a fight was going on and some just forgot.

Gideon sighed

He was surrounded with no place to go other than foward, it was a large rectangle of people surrounding him. In front of him stood a certain angry ice breathing dragon, who finally stood up from his pose after everyone got their pictures. Angels, dragons, and demon's watched and recorded from the sky while the other supernatural did the same on the ground.

The headmaster walked out with a smile and said

"Thank you all for coming, this duel has been allowed today to show you the power of races different than yourself. This duel will not effect the power ranking of the school in any way. Allow me to state the rules."

She pulled out some paper and loudly cleared her throat and said

"Rule one, no low blows, Rule Two, if any of the conditions a fighting party has set has been violated the fight will be won by the party who did not violate the terms, Rule three if any fighter decides to forfeit they must pay the academy a fee of a gold coin a month for a year. Did everyone hear me" she said with a happy smile

Everyone nodded

'Ugggh you red eyed bastard, dared to make me, Lilith Dracula wait? Hmph, know you place foot soldier' The headmaster thought while staring at Gideon

" Let the fight begi-"

"Wait a couple of minutes"

The headmaster eyes narrowed

'Oi, red eyed brat. You are really pissing me off today'

"Yes, red eyed bas-student" She almost displayed her true thoughts

"Can I get a handicap"

"Yes, if the prince agrees to it"

'Why would you show up and ask for a handicap? Are you a bafoon' Headmaster thought

The dragon prince shrugged his shoulders and said

"As long as we fight, I agree to every condition"

"Don't you want to hear them" Gideon said with a evil smile

'I messed up, i shouldn't have said that. I can't take it back now. Heath true thoughts displayed themselves

"Im the prince of dragons, do as you wish" The dragon said with a confident face however he was inwardly beating and cursing himself.

"Well me conditions are" Gideon looked up to the sky while trying to erase his evil smile before he coutinued.

"You can't move from your current position you can only turn and throw punches, You can only your least domiant hand, you have to keep you eyes closed, when the fight starts you have to hold your breathe, when you stop, so does the fight does and im declared the winner, you have to be scaless, and finally the fight will only last five minutes. It doesn't matter what you say you already agreed to every thing, prince" Gideon said with a laugh while covering his mouth.

'Do you have no shame' was the only words that the headmaster could say.

The head master sighed and started the fight, or rather a open show of bullying.

The dragon held his breathe and didn't move. Gideon placed his soup and duffle bag of stuff he brought with him down. He walked towards the dragon, who swung his left hand, Gideon was without a doubt stronger that the prince of dragons, but why would he show his strength before the academy completely started? The punch sent ripples in the air because of its speed but to Gideon it looked like a movie replaying in ultra slow motion. Gideon ducked and sent a body shot near the location of the dragon's lungs.

The dragon felt most of the oxygen leave his lung, he needed to end the fight quick if he wanted to win. He waited for Gideon to attack, but it never came. Gideon walked back to his soup and began to slurp on the warm soup.

He was waiting for the dragon to breathe so he could be declared the winner. He didn't feel like waiting, which was the reason he put down his stuff to hit the lungs of the dragon.

The dragon stood their motionless with veins popped out his head. The annoying sound of soup entered his ears, he felt like destroying every thing Gideon liked.

Not only did Gideon slurp but he smacked his lis lips which made a loud sound.

One minute was enough for the dragon to finally breathe.

"Winner, unamed student" The headmaster said while pointing at Gideon

Heath roared as he unleashes his scales to decitmate Gideons existence. However before he could do that he had to find Gideoen, who was long gone. Heath roared in anger at the departure of the unamed student.

Gideon really never left he just slowly blended into the crowd like a random background npc, while everyone was watching a angry Dragon throw a tantrum.

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