
Chapter 7 - Training 3

Time skips another 6 months

Talia's POV

Location: Talia's Compound

I looked over the news and footage of the incident. No, not an incident. A message to the people who call themselves heroes.

Chemo was dropped on the city of Bludhaven, home to one of my beloved's sons. Said son was in the city during the bombing. I've sent in operatives to locate him, yet none have found a body. It gives me a bad taste in my mouth. Heroes swarm the city in hopes of recovering anything, but it's too late for that now.

I think to the ones responsible for this insane action. The Society, a group of 'villains' as most would put it uniting together under a single cause. I was invited to join them but refused. I didn't want to join a group of egomaniacs and grudge holding fools.

I was proven right when they take actions like this. The 'heroes' won't take this action lying down. You can only bend a stick so much before it eventually snaps. Especially when you bomb the city of one of the most respected 'heroes' in the league and amongst their groups, Nightwing.

My beloved has now lost two sons and I don't know if he will recover from this. He could barely handle Jason's passing, but this might finally have broken him. I know he is one of the people focusing their searches on the city in false hopes of finding something.

Maybe I should reveal Jason, but I squash that thought as now isn't a good moment. It would also be breaking my word to Jason. Who would not be a good person to have as an enemy with all his training.

I think of telling Jason about this, but immediately dismiss the idea. He's in a crucial point of his training with the All Caste. He can't know anything about this. He may not show much care about other's around him, but this senseless slaughter of innocents in the city would definitely attract his attention. Not in the good way either.

I sigh and rub at my head. Things are going to change, not for the good though. I look over the reports of Gotham and see it has only gotten worse since the Bludhaven incident. Gotham has never been in a situation like this, Black Mask has a strong hold on the city. Of course, he isn't the problem, it's who he's hired to help him.

Deathstroke, Slade Wilson has created his own little team of mercenaries. Now him and his team of psychopaths help Black Mask in his endeavor of building his power. Bruce should be focused on this, but his mind is clouded since the disappearance of his ward. I wish to help him, but I have my own problems to deal with now.

My father never liked the idea of taking in Jason, it didn't help I went against his wishes and used a Lazarus Pit to heal Jason. His displeasure has grown with the number of resources I've spent on the boy. Yet he can't do anything against him. Not now that Jason is with the All Caste. It was part of my plan to protect Jason against my father by making him train under Ducra.

Father knows not to interfere in All Caste business, unless he pays the consequences. I myself have gone into hiding to avoid confrontation with him. His state of mind has deteriorated lately, the Lazarus only helping him so much. Clouding his own judgment too and making him irrational. Yet, his anger is focused mostly on me instead of Jason. It's better this way.

The door opens to my study and a small figure can be seen walking in.

"Mother, I've completed the training for today. When shall you up the level of difficulty, the current training is too simple," My son announces to me. Looking so much like his father. Yet, his eyes come straight from me. A dominant trait in the Al Ghul blood line.

I feel a small smile pull to my lips. My number one reasoning is here before me. I can't let my father have Damian, my son. I think back to the favor that Jason owes me. As long as I play my cards right, Damian will be safe even if I shall fall to my father.

Switch to Ducra's POV

Location: All Acres (Himalayas)

I observe as Jason lies beneath the waters of the cleansing pool. He's come far in his training once again. I look to the side and see that my daughter has also taken her own path in taking up the trial of the Blood blade. In key moments of their training yet deciding to take it at the same time.

A sigh is released at this sight. Both have come far together, with my daughter excelling in the presence of Jason. A competitive fire now lit under her, yet a passionate fire also lights her way. Both are discrete in their show of passion for each other when around others or me. But I know what they get up to in the dark of night or the early mornings.

I can't blame my daughter for falling for the boy, but it will not last. The man-child will one day leave this place, while my daughter must stay as my heir. Too take up the mantle should I ever fall to the Untitled upon their return, which I sense is soon.

I shake my head once again.

Switch to Jason's POV

It's all black. That's all I can see at the moment. I wander around, looking for anything, before seeing images start flashing in front of me. Like a high light reel of both lives.

I see my previous life, some choices in life that I regret doing while in a thug gang. Robbing people of money, gang shootings in the street, and killing another gang member. I may not have killed any innocents, but I still committed a lot of crimes against people that didn't deserve it.

I do feel an aspect of regret even if my mother disappeared on me, it wasn't an excuse to go be a piece of shit that contributes to the worsening situation of an already shitty city. I keep walking forward and the images start shifting to my current life's memories.

Stealing is showed again, yet I'm more discrete about it. Stealing car parts or just robbing people's wallets while wandering the streets. The only way to survive as a homeless kid in Gotham. It shifts again to my arguments against Bruce. Both of us stubborn in our own ways, yet so much alike. Alfred often coming to be the mediator between us in the last days of my life with him.

Next is a showing of lethal force on people that were just common thugs. My use of anger through the mantle of Robin and the constant clashing of ideals against what Robin is supposed to be. My jealously against Dick always being the example to live up to and the bond we never got to form due to his own insecurities against me.

I keep walking and come upon my death. My mother watches as the mad man beats my broken body over and over again with the hard steel of the crowbar. The impacts ringing out in this darkness and showing of my life. I feel the Lazarus start bubbling up again, but just hold it in and give promises of vengeance for this action.

My dying moment spent covering my mother as the bomb ticks down to zero. Flames and smoke engulfing the both of us as the warehouse comes down. I just sigh and keep walking forward as the Lazarus keeps slithering in the back of my head. Like a coiled spring or snake waiting to one day jump out.

I release another sigh as I try to remember why I'm seeing all of this. I was taking the cleansing trial which has a high fatality rate. I remember the words of Ducra before going in, to remember the teaching of what she has been trying to instill in me.

Thinking back to those teachings. Of the concept of seeing past, present, and future all at once. Whatever the hell that means. Still a confusing concept to me, but I think about the next part of the teachings. Of looking into ourselves, to see the darkness inside of us.

Not to get rid of the darkness though, to instead embrace it. Use it to do what is right. Most would be afraid to embrace this idea. Their darkest thoughts and true selves might be too much for them or something they don't understand.

Me though, I've always been this way. I embraced it as Robin to do what I felt others deserved, embraced it as a gang member to survive in a shitty world, and embrace it now to get my own justice.

Probably why I've excelled so much in this All-Caste training. I've basically been doing it the whole time, without really putting focus into it. But now that I am, my mind has become a lot clearer. Of course, the volcano of rage is still boiling and waiting for explosion. I've held it back for now, but once I see him again. Then I'll let it all out.

The surroundings start to fade around me as I feel myself being pulled up. Taking the chance to now breath again.

Switch to Essence's POV

I've completed my own show of commitment in my trial to wield the Blood blade. A commitment to never spill the blood of the innocent and to slay the evil. Trapping their essence within the blade for eternity. Fitting for those who commit wrong doings for their own selfish reasons. I look over and see that mother pulls Jason from the cleansing pool.

I knew he would succeed as I hear him taking in a deep breath. Mother whispering words to him. My own lips pulling into a smile at his achievement. No human has done what he has with success in a thousand years.

"Congratulations pup, maybe teaching isn't a waste after all," Mother remarks to him. He takes the time to rest and gain his breath.

"I'll leave you to your rest now, I want to go snack on something," Mother tells before walking off. I wait for her to leave before walking over to Jason's lying form. Going down to my knees and pulling his head into my lap.

His hair still damp from the pool. I brush the hair out of his face and away from his eyes. He opens his eyes and just smiles at me. The same enchanting green eyes I've grown so used to seeing. The lips I often have kissed forming into his usual roguish smile.

"I take it everything went well on your end," He questions. A little bit of concern showing in his face, when looking up at me. A gesture I appreciate, even if it's not needed.

"Indeed, it did," I answer, continuing to brush at his hair with my hands. Feeling his tangled strands of hair come undone as my hand sweep through them.

"I expected nothing less out of you," Jason comments. I feel a happiness in his belief in me.

"I thought the same of you, your much too stubborn to give up," I tell him. One of his good and bad qualities is how stubborn he can be. Especially with his training, pushing himself past point that seem almost unnatural for a human.

"Nothing wrong with being stubborn," Jason replies. Continuing his staring into my own eyes. His eyes always holding a certain playfulness when looking into my own.

"I suppose not," I say before leaning down to press my lips against his. His hand reaching up to caress my face as we embrace each other.

Even after six months of finally coming together, this feeling never gets old. I lift myself from his lips and just let my hair cascade down almost like a curtain hiding both of our faces from the outside world.

Speaking of the outside world, I think of a concern I've been having.

"Jason, can you promise me something?" I ask of him, all seriousness in my voice. He sobers and focuses his attention.

"What is it Es," He replies. His own little nickname for me. He often said how my name was a little weird so he would rather shorten it. Not my fault my mother named me like this, but it is an accurate name for me. Given what I am.

"Promise me, you'll stay with me," I tell him. Jason goes quiet and stays looking at me. His eyes go a little distant like he really isn't look at me.

"On one condition okay," Jason says after a long moment of silence. In which my heart started to tighten in worry. I don't want to be trapped here with my responsibilities, alone. If he is here with me, then it wouldn't be so bad.

"I need to do one thing in the outside world and then I'll come back to you. That I can promise," he says resolutely. His voice strong and steady, holding no hesitation.

"How long will it take for you to come back," I question. He goes quiet again and thinks it over.

"Not long, maybe a couple months at most," he replies after a moment. A small amount of time compared to my own life.

"I've been here my whole life; a couple of months is nothing compared to that. Just return to me okay. Don't forget about me and leave me here alone please," I tell him. Reassured now that I know he won't forget about me after his training is complete. It's always worried me that he'll never come back, but at least now I have his word.

Which to Jason is everything.

"Of course," He responds with a smile. I give him another kiss, this time on his forehead. Lifting up my head and sitting straight up with his head in my lap. Now just enjoying the moment of peace I feel. No longer having the worry of this all disappearing once his training is complete.

Experiencing the moment as Jason himself just closes his eyes once again to rest. My hand back to brushing through his hair, cool from the pool still.

Switch to Jason's POV

My eyes stay closed as Es brushes my hair with her hand. It has a soothing effect on me. I think about my promise to her just a moment ago. I do want to stay with her in big part of my mind, but a bigger part wants to kill the clown.

Once I do that, maybe I'll get some peace. The Lazarus also boils for vengeance in me. It needs to be satisfied or else who knows what will happen when I can't control it anymore. Once I do all of that then I'll return back to her.

The woman I've fallen in love with.

She isn't human or anything I really know about, but she is real. Real like the emotions I feel for her. Our time spent together has been some of the most calming moments in my life. No training or alternative purposes to it. Just us being together, doing different things. Whether it's me reading out my favorite book to her or Es humming out a pleasant tune as we lay on the grass staring out.

I think of why this has all happened. I'm not sure what really attracted me to her more. Her straightforward attitude, her beautiful smile, or her competitive nature. All of it just feels right to me.

This is one of the only things in life I don't want to fuck up. Something that finally gives me a sense of purpose and was my own choice. Not influenced by someone else like becoming Robin or forced to become a thug to survive. This was my own decision to love her.

It's concrete and real to me. More than anything else has ever been.

Opening my eyes to her just staring into the sky. Clouds floating by and the sky presented a nice shade of blue. I too look out to the sky and think of a future. One of us together, no vengeance on my mind and no responsibilities for her.

Just being free of it all.

Author's note: Hope you guys like the direction where things are going. Trying to be different with the events of Jason appearing later. Also, going to be unpacking a lot in this chapters note. So be ready to see the explanations coming up.

So obviously the big elephant in the room. Bludhaven is basically a wasteland of a city now after the explosion, with heroes trying to salvage the situation. This happened in the Under the Red Hood story when Jason came back to Gotham but seeing as how Jason stayed dead longer in the grave this time around it means he didn't return fast enough to witness it happening when fighting with Bruce.

Speaking of Bruce, he basically just lost another son. Since Nightwing was actually in the city this time while it exploded. So, we'll eventually see the effects that has on him when Jason returns to Gotham.

Now onto Gotham, since Bruce is out searching in false hope. Black mask has taken the lack of Batman to gainer a higher foot hold with the help of Deathstroke. Making him basically the highest in the food chain that is the criminal underworld. Gotham has gone from shitty to now hell like in crimes. Also, Black Mask was also able to do this because there wasn't any Red Hood to crumple his operations like in the comics. So, he has all the resources he needs to continue his reign.

Damian has also made and appearance and will be a big part of Jason's story. And poor Jason is oblivious to it all and just enjoying his time with Essence.

Remember that Jason still has a year of training. So, basically everything looks bad now, but it will get so much worse with another year added on of time passing.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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