

The city was filled with strange noises and loud sounds that seemed rather unusual to Sasha, she struggled to relief herself from the sounds as she opened her eyes to find out what she had been tied up and it seemed that the person responsible for her capture sat right in front of her with he's eyes shut, as she struggled to get out of the rope she was tied with, the sleeping Berry woke up in the process.

"Ok now back to the question, who are you?" he asked and this time he wanted the truth to her strange appearance before he then realized that she almost attacked him, she wasn't particularly dressed right and clearly she looked drastically tiered like she really needed the sleep. He took back he's question and decided to ask her something different, he crouched to the ground and crawled close to her and whispered softly into her ear "you're from Ivi Town, aren't you?" she looked down in disappointment knowing her fate had already been decided and it was clearly death, but to her surprise the stranger named Berry untied her hands and told her to get up, he gave her clothes that actually match after instructing her to take a shower, he then went out the house testifying that he only has dinner for one and not a pair.

Berry came back to the house to see the girl still standing in the same position he left her, he then understood the problem he was faced with has a short smile drew on he's face, he calmly tried to explain to her that he had no intentions of turning her in and decided to help her saying that he believed that 'not every leg that walked the streets of her town belonged to killers or thieves but rather they were the feet of innocence worries looking for a better way to live" Sasha was left confused but yet surprised not by the fact that he wasn't going to kill her but by the fact that he begged her to let him help her, she obviously accepted has she had no other options. She provided him with her name as he had told her he's.

Ivi Town and The Big City were two deadly different places, it's more of a the past and the future reference. Acquiring the knowledge to survive in this unknown land was another problem the foreigners were yet to solve, so dieing in the light was something you'd rather say would be very very easy

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