
Long Journey, Waves and Preparedness

__________ POV Narration__________

And so, Enel and Oven continued on their way, now stocked with supplies to last them until the next stop without much worry.

It took a while for the CP0 agents to wake up, they were still in the middle of the streets, but Enel and Oven were both gone completely.

The two agents genuinely thought they were going to be killed the instant Enel placed his gauntleted hands on their faces.

Thankfully, Enel didn't see them as big enough of a threat to kill them. The agents also started fleeing from Dressrosa, the results of their 'test' were rather obvious...

Enel was most likely closer to an Admiral than a Vice Admiral, to the point where they, as Vice Admiral level fighters, couldn't even react properly to his moves, and were taken out instantly.

If Enel had fought to kill instead of playing around with them, they would've definitely died just as quickly, most likely by their own weapons.

They were right, well as right as they could be with the information Enel was kind enough to give them.

In truth, without the speed that his devil fruit provided him, Enel was now in the lower rankings of Vice Admirals, which was thanks to his haki and mastery over 3 of the 6 powers.

There was a lot to improve still when it came to body, which was why Enel decided to not stop training at all during the entire rest of that trip.

Oven was a bit reluctant at first, but he got used to the constant training, as he could also feel himself grow stronger alongside Enel.

Another week passed by, with Oven and Enel constantly training, at this point, Enel could harden his body perfectly, he was now able to consistently use Tekkai, and Oven's hits didn't do much damage anymore.

Their next stop was on a random jungle island. The two of them camped there for one night so that Enel could also get some sleep.

He couldn't exactly sleep while flying the ship, so they needed to take some regular breaks like that.

Regardless, Enel had already planned out these breaks beforehand, and Oven was also rather tired, as he didn't really sleep often either.

At this point, it wasn't exactly a secret to Oven that Enel had a masochistic/sadistic way of training.

And it had to be that way, Enel was in a rush to get stronger, and the less time he wasted the better.

It went to the point where Oven got so used to the pain in his muscles that he no longer felt it.

Enel was in a similar position, where he got so used to the pain of Oven's punches that he no longer felt them at all. Tekkai or no tekkai, Enel could now tank Oven's punches without any issue.

Enel could now also use Kami-e with some degree of mastery, which made him rather happy. Garp's suggested training method certainly had its merits, hell Garp wasn't a marine legend for nothing.

The two of them continued on their journey without any issue. The closer they got to Big Mom's territory, the more anxious Oven grew.

At this point, he didn't want his family to harm Enel in any way. The Rear Admiral had been nothing but friendly the entire journey, and Oven might've been haughty and villainous at some point, but he couldn't quite act like that after what he had gone through.

And after around a month of constantly training, eating and laughing with Enel, even his prideful mind couldn't help but see him as a friend.

There was also the fact that Oven couldn't quite bring himself to see Enel as a mere Rear Admiral, as a pirate Oven respected strength, and he saw that Enel was stronger than most people around.

Pirates had attacked them on occasion, or, well, they tried to anyway. Enel usually handled them in less than a second. Oven had seen pirates with bounties even higher than his go down instantly at Enel's staff.

All of that anxiety culminated when Enel and Oven finally could see Cake island in the distance.

"Seeing an island made out of sweets is so strange..." Enel muttered as he steered his ship closer and closer to the Yonko-ruled island.

"... It may be weird... But it's home." Oven said, some sweat rising on his forehead.

"Listen... I think it's better if you leave me on the shore of the island. If my brothers and sisters were to see my state, I'm unsure how some of them would react..." 'Although some of them might even shake your hand...'

Oven didn't say that last part out loud, but he knew just how his family worked, and to say that they were a close-knit bunch would be wrong. Although some still cared for each and every sibling, there was plenty of internal conflicts.

"Don't worry, besides, there are a few things that I want to look at while on the island. I'm not exactly helpless." Enel said with a smirk. Oven simply sighed and decided to just trust Enel's judgement this time.

Still, he knew that if a fight was to break out, he'd be forced to help his family, as they were the ones he was most loyal.

Enel also knew that he had formed some type of friendship with Oven in his journey, but he still didn't fully trust Oven, so he was somewhat flattered by Oven's concern.

Still, Enel had some time left till the war, and he knew that returning to Marineford would mean he'd also have to answer a lot of questions...

His rather quick disposal of Doflamingo and his subsequent altercation with the CP0 agents had already become known to the Marine Headquarters. So he knew that Sengoku would likely confront him if he returned early.

Worst of all, and the main reason why Enel wanted to avoid a quick return. His fight with Doflamnigo had been apparently filmed.

Enel didn't even realize that, his Haki was spread everywhere on the island, but he had a lot of things to keep track of all at once, so he didn't bother with people that just looked at him fighting...

So he failed to sense someone actually filming him. So, for a short while, some people in the world saw how easily a feared Warlord was manhandled, it was like looking at an adult bullying a child actually.

There was also the Conquerors Haki... Something that managed to shock everyone that managed to catch a glimpse of that video.

Thankfully, the World Government quickly covered it up, for various reasons, so not a lot of people actually got to see the recording, only a few important people did.

Therefore, Enel didn't feel like having to answer any more questions than necessary, so he simply planned to stay on Cake Island for another few weeks.

At least until Ace's execution was officially announced. At that point, questions would have to wait, and Enel would also be able to just leave the Navy and not bother with answering any of them.

The plan still stood, using the Summit War, the War of the Great, as an opportunity to befriend the Whitebeard Pirates, a way to gain much-needed allies for his future ventures.

Enel had also paid attention to the news during his journey, so he knew that Blackbeard had officially become Crocodile's replacement within the Warlords.

This obviously made Enel realise that Ace was already captured and turned over to the marines, and this also meant that Luffy had already dealt with Gecko Moria, and was on his way to the Shabody Archipelago...

The summit war was relatively close to starting, and Enel felt like he was ready for it. Still, he'd take a few more weeks to train a bit.

But first... He'd have to pay the ruler of the region, Big Mom, a visit, as well as officially deliver Oven to her.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Another one coming out later today.

Ace's capture happened sometimes during the Thriller Bark ark, so the war is getting closer and closer :))

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