
The Red King and Apex

The psychic embodiment of the Red King began to move through the soul sea, advancing through different layers of space-time. Cain's soul sea was unique in many ways, but its most distinctive characteristic was its enormous size. Even a Third Realm life form would find it nearly impossible to explore every inch, much less reach the deepest corner of it, unless they knew the way.

After nearly fifteen minutes of flying through a sea of soul force, the Red King reached an empty area devoid of any trace of energy or spirit wave. In this place, space itself seemed to twist, pushing away anyone who approached without their notice, but that could not affect the Red King's psychic embodiment.

The Red King looked around the area, and at first sight, there was nothing in this place, only emptiness, but he knew that was not true. His physical embodiment remained steady for a few seconds before trembling, only to fall into a bottomless abyss the next second. 

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