
Shea’s turn




"Haa, ugh you're too strong." This complaint came from a young pale blue-haired rabbit-man

"Of course, but it's not like you've been slacking off. I can see your effort and I'm proud." Akio gave praise to the frustrated girl.

Currently, the two were in an open field in the middle of a forest. They were of course in a new dimension, one that looked vaguely similar to the sea of trees.

They had arrived an hour ago and the first thing Shea did was to ask for a spar.

"I need to be stronger, I want to be your shield," Shea stated the reason for her desire to be stronger.

As it was said previously Shea's current status was that of Akio's apostle. This was a title not forced on her, instead, it was one she willingly chose and she would show that she was worth it.

Akio thought for a while before he thought of something.

"Well first off you are not just a simple servant to me I'm sure you are already aware of that, and secondly I think I might have a way to help."

With those words, Akio bought a one-stage evolution pill from the shop.

{-50,000 points

purchased one stage evolution pill}

With the pill in his hand, Akio focused hard and tried to do something specific.

Using the way he manually gave Shea a blessing before as a basis Akio tried to infuse the power of his concept of infinity into the pill.

Slowly but surely the yellowish pill turned pitch black.

Akio was sure that what he had made would work the way he intended but he still wanted to make sure.


(Worry not dear, there will be no unwanted side effects. It shall work exactly as you'd expect. This does not give her an understanding of the concept of infinity but rather allows her to borrow a small amount of its power directly from you.)

Akio thanked Ava before he turned his attention to Shea. The whole conversation between Akio and Ava took less than a millisecond in the real world. Akio through an application of his concept of time was now able to make something similar to thought acceleration.

"Tonight I want you to take this," Akio spoke while holding in his fingers the now pitch black pill.

Even without knowing what the pill did Shea still nodded trusting her lord. Akio took the pill and put it back into his inventory before he smiled and walked forward.

"Now come on, this time is supposed to be just for us and I'm sure you don't want to spend the entire time fighting." Akio held out his hand and it was quickly accepted by Shea.

The two walked together through the forest before finally arriving at another pretty open space. On a giant tree in the middle of this space was a nice-sized tree house like the ones used in Verbergen. Despite being a tree house the interior was larger and nicer than most mansions. Akio also made sure to add all the modern appliances Shea was still getting used to.

Walking inside Akio gave Shea a tour of the interior before they both sat down and Shea volunteered to make lunch. Akio didn't complain and watched the girl make her way across the kitchen.

When lunch was done the two sat under the same tree their house was on while Shea rest her head on Akio's lap. The two were still technically not dating but it was clear they held feelings for each other. Akio decided to use this time to solidify their relationship.

"Shea..." Akio spoke breaking the comfortable silence.

"Mhm." Shea turned herself to face Akio.

With that, Akio brought his face down and stole the lips of Shea. This of course wasn't their first kiss but Shea still felt this one was special.

When they broke apart Akio spoke again to the dazed Shea.

"Shea you know what it means to be my lover correct?"

Hearing those words Shea's ears shot up in attention. An elated expression replaced her daze as she nodded.

"Yes, I will be with you forever, I want that more than anything." Shea's innocent answer made Akio smile warmly at her.

"Yes but there is more, you will forever be mine and even if you grow tired of me I won't let you go. I'm sure you are aware that I already have a lot of lovers and that number will probably increase in the future. Still, I promise I will never neglect you and I will make sure you are happier than you ever thought possible. Are you sure you want that type of relationship?"

Akio spoke a lot but Shea did not once look surprised or hesitant.

"Don't you think I know that already? I wouldn't have gotten as close to you if I didn't already understand that." Shea took the initiative and turned around to kiss him.

This kiss was special as it represented their first as an actual couple.


Late at night, two figures lay naked on a bed in a huge tree house.

These two were of course Shea and Akio. Shea was already sleeping, her body still entangled with Akio. She had enjoyed her first time with Akio and when they finished she took the pill Akio had told her to take.

Akio decided to stay awake the entire time making sure absolutely nothing went wrong. ---------------------------------------------------

After the night ended and the artificial sun had reemerged Shea had finally woken up to the smell of food being cooked.

Feeling better than ever she ate with Akio before quickly asking him for a spar to which he agreed.

Throughout the spar, Akio was able to pick up some of the abilities she had gained.

The first notable thing he observed was her increased senses.

Shea's race was now called 'Infinite rabbit-man'. She had received the same boost that normal humans got upon their evolution to high humans. That included increased senses and the increased potential and limit her body could reach as well as a direct increase in her overall parameters.

The next thing Akio noticed was the abilities she had thanks to Akio's infinity concept. Her injuries healed almost instantly. She had infinite mana. And the last thing he noticed was her foresight had reached unparalleled levels.

She now had complete control over her ability and she could see the future up to a certain point.

Unfortunately, although she can see future attacks she lacked the speed required to dodge or counterattack them.

Akio wanted to give his wives the same power-up but he knew they wouldn't accept it.

Akio's power-up did serve its purpose however as Shea was content with her power and thought she could better do her role.


The rest of the week was spent training or lazing around in the house together. Shea had gotten used to her new abilities thanks to the teaching of Akio.

On the last day just like the rest, Akio had given Shea a ring with a pale blue gem. Of course, Shea was happy and the romantic mood quickly transformed into one of hot passion.

There was also something else Akio worked on. He wanted something to represent him seeming how he started to gain followers and he would need a symbol to unite them all under.

The design he went for was a dragon head with horns that intercepted each other and formed an infinity sign.

When he was done with the design he put it on pendants. The chains that held the pendants were silver in color and the pendants were pitch black. Akio also added an insane amount of barriers just like he had for the rings.

He was proud of his handy work and decided to give them out when he was done with Tio.


(A/N: This one was pretty low-quality ngl, I feel like I focused more on branding. Well, now only Tio is left before the main story continues again. The design was my idea so I don't know if it's already been done, therefore there is no art.)

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