

Kneeling before Reku were the last remaining captives they acquired from the Trakus during the other day.

Due to the small battle that recently took place at the river, some of the female orcs and cubs have gotten themselves killed during the ongoing chaos.

In addition, with no destination left in their minds, the scattered female orcs and cubs was left with no choice but to meet up with the Victors of the battle and submit themselves to them, leaving their fate on Reku's hands.

'So they really are dependent on us male us orcs, without us, they wouldn't last long on the wilds.' Reku thought as he scratched his chin while at the same time, watching the kneeling orcs in front of him.

It seems he really need to change that kind of system here, wouldn't it be more productive if female orcs can do various works instead of just wasting away their lives becoming a breeding machine?

Shifting his gaze from the kneeling orcs, Reku found himself staring at the remains of the battlefield.

Traku warriors lie dead on the ground below, while his warriors enjoyed their time looting the bodies that scattered on the ground below, some even found their way floating on the river.

It has become clear that Reku and his band of orcs have managed to defeat the Traku band, albeit sustaining only a few casualties with two dead and five slightly wounded on their side.

Nevertheless Reku couldn't help but smirk as he remembered during the battle where they slaughtered the routing Trakus who were retreating on the river.

Moving his gaze back towards the kneeling orcs before him, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Rise, I hope you now understood that you swore your allegiance to no other than me, your rightful chieftain." Reku said before motioning the kneeling orcs to stand to which they did.

Afterwards, he continued to speak once more.

"Serve me faithfully and you shall be rewarded based on your merits, betray me and you shall face my wrath and experience punishment the likes you've never felt before." After emphasizing the threat on his last sentence, the orcs could only sweat intensely as they nodded their heads, swearing to their selves to never do anything that might disappoint Reku.

Seeing this, Reku smiled before dismissing them, afterwards, he turned his gaze towards Jan who was right besides him, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Tell the others they have half an hour to pack their things up, we would soon resume our march towards our final destination." Reku said.

Jan then nodded his head with a smirk on his face before running off towards the other orcs and began barking the orders Reku had said to him.

After this, Reku began to make his way towards a crudely built tent on the river bank, this tent belonged to no other than Molk.

Who by the time Reku reached the tent, was still busy sorting out the loots and items entrusted to him by the band.

Though the orcs in Reku's band were free to loot any dead body they came across, Reku had made a clear order to everyone that tools and armors belonging to dead bodies were to be immediately transfered on the armorer's jurisdiction, thus they could only loot unsignifant items such as extra clothing, boots, accessories, and other unnecessary stuffs.

As such, After seeing Reku seek him out, Molk immediately stood up from what he was doing just now and face Reku with a happy smile on his face.

"Oh Reku, it's very nice to see you here, tell me, is there something you need from me?" Molk quickly asked.

Compared to how Molk greeted Reku in the past few days, there's clearly a bond forming between the two due to Molk's opinion towards Reku increasing in each day, thus the reason for his cheerlike and polite mood just now.

Reku smiled after hearing Molk's words before eventually responding.

"Actually yes, in half an hour, we would resume our march towards our destination, before that time comes, I want you to make throwing spears as many as you can, and if possible, during the march." After hearing this, Molk sighed before replying to Reku's orders.

"Just like the previous one?" with this question, Reku smiled before repeatedly nodding his head.

"As you wish." Molk said before turning his back towards Reku and began to start the preparation of his word.

And just like that, Reku left Molk to his own devices before spending the last 30 minutes doing nothing and occasionally having small talk with his orc warriors.

Eventually the time has come and Reku found himself marching at the front of the column of his warriors.

Currently they were in the middle of traversing in a thick forestry area, and as such, Reku was in the middle of cutting the large shrubs and leaves blocking the path in front of him.

After cutting a large entanglement of vines and leaves, Reku wiped a small drop of sweat on his head before moving his gaze on the distance.

Atop the horizon, lie two large mountain peaks, they are so high that reku could even see them despite the large trees and forestry around him.

This gave him a clear proof that they are nearing their destination.

With a smile on his face, Reku and his band of orcs continued their way through the forest and into the vast valley before it.





Standing before Tula, the temporary chieftain of a certain settlement, were a group of envoys from the Traku clan.

Since most of the settlement's warriors went with their chieftain to join the war against the Terkits, most of the inhabitants of the settlement were mostly comprised of the old, female and cubs.

And thus, Tula was appointed to temporary govern the settlement whilst the chieftain was away fighting a war.

Little did he know, he was in for a surprise of the information the Traku envoys before him were about to say.

"Tula, we the envoys from the Traku clan thank you for warmly recieving us into your great hut."

the shortest orc among the group of Traku envoys suddenly stepped forward and bowed his head before speaking.

Though the way the envoy spoke were filled with slight mockery, Tula failed to notice this and instead puffed his chest out with small pride as he greeted the envoys before him.

"Surely you must be hungry after that journey, come and sit, I'll tell the servants to prepare the food shortly." Tula responded with a smile before motioning for one of the orc servants standing besides him and ordering him to prepare them some food.

As they observed the scene in front of them, the envoys couldn't help but slightly scoff as they stared at Tula with a sense of mockery and superiority.

'The previous chieftain must be an idiot for leaving this kind of orc in charge of the settlement.' the envoy thought with a frown on his face.

But that was until he felt a large hand touch his shoulder, turning his head around, he was met by the face of one of his fellow envoys, shaking his head with slight disapproval.

"Put a smile on that ugly face of yours, remember we're here to ask for their help, not start a conflict with them." the other envoy muttered quietly, causing the short envoy to just realise the small mistake he made before nodding his head in approval and afterwards, changed his expression into a happy and polite one.

"Okay, thank you." the short envoy responded before turning to face Tula who was now holding a small wooden bowl filled with soup.

"Here." Tula said before handing the bowl of soup towards the short envoy.

"Thanks." the short envoy bowed while saying thanks before passing the bowl to his fellow envoy besides him.

It went on like that for a few minutes, passing the bowl of soup towards the others in a rotating manner and sipping on it.

Eventually, the now empty soup finally found itself on the short envoy's hands once again.

"Thank you for the fill." the envoy said before handing the empty bowl towards Tula who passed it towards the servant besides him the moment he recieved the bowl.

"So tell me, what brings you envoys from the Traku clan into my humble abode?" Tula quickly cut to the chase before asking them the question that was on his mind for some time.

The short envoy forced a bitter smile on his face before responding to Tula's question.

"We bring dire news from the front." Tula's ears quickly perked up on this upon hearing the envoy's words.

"Speak." wasting no time, he immediately ordered the envoy to spill everything they knew regarding the situation on the front.

"Your chieftain is dead... killed by his own warrios." Upon hearing this, Tula's heart began to beat rapidly as sweat suddenly formed on his head.

"His sons?" he managed to mutter out a question after an entire minute of shaking and stuttering like a paralyzed orc.

"Dead" This answer suddenly brought a sense of grief, and at the same time, relief inside of him.

Just what does this mean for him?.. he still did not know.

But one thing is certain, the title of chieftain is now finally vacant.

As such, he hid the cruel smile on his face while placing an unconvincing sad facade for all of the envoys to see.

"Though I mourn the loss of our chieftain, we need to waste no time and quickly find the warriors who betrayed him and punish them!" though Tula tried to hide his intentions behind his words, the short envoy could see through him and couldn't help but smirk at the orc in front of him.

'Well, let's get started.' the short envoy thought before opening his mouth to speak.






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