
chapter 7. Nobody has the right to bully you without your consent.

Violet felt like she was being followed, the cab behind hers' kept little or no distance away from her. Gosh! She panicked. What was she to do? What was she to do?

The driver may panic more than her if she were to tell him.

"Please can you pick up speed, I'm almost late for my interview"

The driver grunted and viewed her dressing through the rear mirror. Who dresses like this for a job interview? Who would tell such a lame lie?

"Does a job seeker dress this way?"

"Hehehe", Her toes became the most interesting thing at the moment. Tugging her hair behind her ears nervously.

The driver sped up and the car behind them sped up too. She stopped at Merlin's eatery and got out of the car.

The. The driver drove off while the trailer parked in an inconspicuous place.

" Taking the elevator to the Human resource manager's office she bumped into some of her colleagues.

👤" Good to see you here again".

👤" I heard you were fired. Ohhhhh, that must have hurt"

👤"So have you another job?

👤"A job in a bar suits her personality"

👤"Don't be mean, those men will practically be slapping her ass every moment"

👤"No one told her to have it all", one of the ladies eyed her big boobs, tiny waist and wide hips enviously.

Can these people before her have a sense of shamelessness? She was not invisible in any way, why would they talk about her like that?

Violet punched the elevator keys angrily and stepped inside.

They laughed at her and told her to come by on her way back. These were waitresses like her, the guy is a cleaner, why would people be so mean to others?

she was lost in her thought when she heard a familiar voice.

"Others will always be mean to you who are weak and helpless".

Turning around immediately, she saw Lucas.

" You...."

"Hey, calm down".

" Why would you sneak up on me like that?"

"Come on, I walked into the elevator while you were the one who wasn't in this world", he smiled at her revealing a set of dimples.

Violet gave him a light punch on the chest.

" Ouch! You are so mean too".

She raised her eyebrows in a way that meant, so what can you do about it?

He looked at her little beautiful face, the dark long hair and the long eyelashes. Hehehe... his eyes trailed to the points of controversy (her boobs and hips).

Holy lord! This girl is fire. Lucas felt a sense of possessiveness for once. He doesn't think he will allow her to wear too tight clothes immediately after she signs a contract with Dax media. These curves hurt the eyes a lot. Darn it! Good Lord! Those hips are to die for, no wonder she attracts all flies and bees.

He frowned unconsciously.

"Nice shirt there".

" Nice cap there".

They both chuckled and Violet decided to break the silence.

"so, what are you doing here?"

"Came to see someone".

" Aren't you late?"

"Still have more time left on my side".

The elevator dinged and they both stepped out.

" Going to where?" Lucas asked just to keep the conversation going.

"To see the HRM, I don't know. The restaurant just called me out of the blue one morning and told me I have been promoted with ridiculous benefits. Who does that? I don't deserve it".

"You deserve all the good things because you are a good person. I advise you to take up the offer. The company has just been purchased by Clayton's group of industries".

" That's the more reason it's not wise for me to take it. What if I'm being played or eyed by a bloated, greasy old man? Do you get what I mean?"

Lucas was shot in the knees. What did she just say? Wow! Do I look bloated? Babe, look at me. Do I look old to you? It's like I will expose my identity sooner than expected. He wouldn't be able to stand those greedy eyes staring at her or else he will plug them out.

"I know of someone who works at the headquarters, he said every decision then in any of their subsidiaries has already been decided by the board of directors".

Do you know of someone or you are the someone? His mind ridiculed him.

" Really? If then I will take it up. I guess it's my good karma". She didn't know why she trusted him so much.

"Ok, You should get going. You may be late. I will wait for you right here, lunch is on you. We need to celebrate".

"What? I have not received my first pay". she feigned a glare.

" Ok, it's on me then. What are friends for?"

"Who said that we are friends?" She blushed heavily. She would like to be friends even more than that. She liked him from the first day they met.

"Just leech off on me this once. I have no choice".

Violet's face turned red. Lucas laughed so hard. He raised his hands in surrender.

"Just wait".

The Human resource manager didn't take much of her time as a certain person was waiting for Violet. How can she keep the boss waiting?

" So fast?"

"The woman was trembling when she talked to me".

" How can that be? She is your boss of course"


"So where are you going to after here".

" To check out the house I guess, oh yes. I need to go shopping for new wears. I can't believe I'm leaving those monsters behind", she squealed.

Lucas felt happy and content seeing her smile.

"You said monsters?"

She threw her hands over her mouth. "Oops, you didn't hear anything".

" I heard it loud and clear. You know what? Nobody has the right to bully you without your consent. If an environment is toxic and you can't stay just move out of it".

Violet nodded vigorously.

"I will take your word for it".

" Can I be your chauffeur for today?"

"Don't you have what to do?" she smiled.

"I reckoned I should dedicate this day to a beautiful lady like you. it's my honour to ride you".

Wait, why did this " ride you" sound like the other kind of "ride you?" Violet blushed at the thought of it. She must have been watching too much of x-rated movies recent. She hit her head lightly.

Lucas knew what she was thinking and he burst out in laughter.

" Are you having a fever?"

She realized that he knew what she was thinking. She glared at him and stomped her feet.

On her way out, those colleagues of hers who taunted her looked at her with fear dancing in their eyes.

"These people look weird".

"Ignore them".

Lucas grabbed her hand and both head towards the parking lot. Violet wanted to resist but he applied a mild force. She stopped resisting and felt some warmth spread in her heart. Is she in love or what? She should just enjoy the moment while it last maybe he is not ed noted

she became quiet all of a sudden.

In the car, Lucas helped her to fix her seat belt and his scent drifted into her nose. Their faces were so close that their breath mixed.

Violet's eyes closed of their own accord. Lucas took the opportunity to look closely at her features. He help her tug her hair behind her ear, and her eyes snapped open.

"Are you feeling sleepy?"

this is the third time she has embarrassed herself before this same guy.

Those muscles are to die for, she has always been obsessed with men who had this body type. The shirt Lucas won't cling to him and he looked like he just walked out of an oil painting. She forced herself to tear her eyes away from him.

Lucas stared at her love-struck eyes and smirked secretly. So she had feelings for him?

His car left the parking lot and soon blended with the traffic.

On their way to one of Lucas' restaurants, they had conversations on a few topics and got to know more about each other.

The manager took them to the open space on the last floor of the hotel. age could see the whole of Los Angeles from where she sat.

"Wow! This is so beautiful"

"You like it?"

"Come on, I love every bit of this scenery"

" We could do this more often then".

"What? No way, it's too expensive. I mean I shouldn't put you through that".

Lucas threw the manager a look and he trembled.

"Madam our dishes are not expensive. They are just a few dollars higher than a normal restaurant. We are interested in the customer's satisfaction. also, your first time here will give you a 50% discount"

The manager has exhausted all possible words. Why can't the boss take care of his issue and decided to use him as cannon fodder? This is unfair boss.

He brought out the menu and Violet happily ordered some of their signature dishes. she had waited too long for this.

Before they arrived, Lucas had already confirmed the kitchen to prepare their signature dishes and some of her favourite dishes. Everyone got to work when they heard that the big boss is coming.

Violet's mouth watered when the dishes arrived. She dug into the food and ate large mouth fulls.

"I have been craving for a long time", she gulped her juice. Lucas made sure the freshest fruits were picked and processed.

" Don't worry you will have this more often from now on".

He would make sure the kitchen handles her daily meals henceforth. she looked too pale and a bit skinny. She needs to add more flesh in the right places.

"Although that's impossible, I believe you all the same".

Lucas took a serviette and helped her clean the corners of her mouth.

" Thank you, what are friends for?"

"Hehehe..... You will be cleaning up after me from now henceforth".

" Gladly at your service madam".

She giggled and choked on her food.

Lucas jumped out of his seat and gave her water to drink while rubbing her back.

"Eat gently".

"Thanks, I'm fine". Her face was still red.

Violet rubbed her bloated stomach and still eyed the remains greedily.

Lucas chuckled and made arrangements for her to bring back the freshly cooked food.

" Aren't we going to take back the remains. We spent money you know".

"You are such a greedy little cute cat. I have asked for take-away for you".

She grinned at him.

" What about you?"

"Well, I'm certainly not a glutton like someone here".

She gave him a heavy punch in the chest. She was about to run away when she tripped and was about to fall, he grabbed her waist just in time. The waist was so tiny and so soft. A wow! escaped his lips.

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