
Chapter 166: While Cleaning the Closet, I… Part 2

"Fred! It's been a long, long time! I've missed you!"

A voice belonging to a girl I've met and known in the past is what I'm hearing right now.

I sift my memory bank for even a faint clue, and…

"Hey! Don't you remember me? It's me, Carla Sutcliffe!"

Oh yeah!

I now remember those trinkets I stumbled upon when I was cleaning my closet a few hours ago!

This call's not just mere coincidence, but is also extraordinary!

On closer examination of my mind, the discovery I made and this very call can prove to be glimpses of the miraculous.

Each time I experience something like this, either I can just choose to think nothing of it, or I can easily recognize it for the potentially life-changing event it may prove to be.

When I am faced with a quandary like this, I more often than not choose the latter.

I have been and am still fascinated by the role that coincidence plays in guiding and shaping my life.

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