
[675] Mastery.

'How long have I been here?'

I questioned as I lay in the snow, finding comfort in it now. Prior to this, I had been so frightened of freezing to death on this planet, but now? I actually found the cold to be somewhat bearable.

That damn dragon, Azmakul, really is cruel, and strict. He refused to let me take even a small break, I had been forced to study and learn all throughout my time here, so much so I did not know how much time had passed.

I simply didn't bother taking note of it, because I was engrossed. Tossing the final crystal, the one containing knowledge of the sorcery of names, during my time here, I had mastered the basics of Circle Sorcery and Runic Sorcery, yet the sorcery of names was still an enigma, my understanding of it was pathetic, by my standards.

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