
Initiating a verbal fight

Later in the evening,

As the sun was setting down, the ceremony was about to start. Everyone was sitting in their seats. I entered the ceremony hall with Beta wearing a very long dress.

How could the dress be so heavy and uncomfortable, I shouldn't have worn it at all? But I can't be careless as someone would notice what I was wearing. Eva used to wear such dresses but for me…please don't pollute my eyes.

The vice leaders should dress in a black suit as per the protocol of Virtue Group. Due to some reason this year the headquarters had not sent any representative and Del wasn't a candidate this year, he was responsible for the celebration.

I had a seat in the middle row but told Beta I would like to have a seat at the corner where I could watch the celebration clearly. I sat at my corner seat as no one could notice me there but I could observe everyone's movement. But was it that I will just sit and watch?? 'No no--'

After everyone was seated the celebration began.

First, everyone wished each other a happy new year, toasted the fruits drink ( as alcohol was prohibited in Wega), ate, and celebrated the New year. Two hours before midnight the ceremony of selection of heads started.

As a result, this year missions Beta was going to be the head as Eva's group had helped him a lot and his progress was higher than Gamma. He was acting smug. As Gamma had lost he was a bit angry. Del...as usual, the quiet and expressionless.

Del was going to hand out the glass emblem which was a symbol of having the power of Wega, I saw four red dots aiming at his head and chest. I noticed Del's own teammate aiming the snipper at him from somewhere far. So they finally betrayed. Why panic? Let's see what Del's plan was. He won't be an idiot not to notice that someone was after his life.

But he was very calm, giving a feeling of calmness before the destruction. When Del was about to hand over the glass emblem Beta took his hand back and the glass emblem fell to the ground and fell apart. Due to the sound, even those who were feeling bored were wide awake.

"Del are you feeling like I don't deserve the post of leader as you are always against me, so you are doing this"

"No, Beta I never thought so"

"Then you know that the glass emblem is the symbol of the power of a leader. Why did you carelessly hand me?"

"No, I didn't"

"If not then do you think I took my hand back and it fell and broke"

"Yeah "

"Are you trying to blame me? If so, prove it. Everyone has seen you do so"

The face-cut man spoke. "Yeah, vice leader Del you can't blame vice head leader Beta as everyone has seen. It was your mistake" Some other of Beta's members and other team joined him saying they have seen the same.

The situation was created in such a way that from the seat below people see that it was Del's mistake. But from where I was I could see what actually happened.

As an excellent negotiator who could win Beta in the verbal fight. It turns out that they were to use the verbal abuse first as Del was a very prideful person. Breaking the pride and willpower, they want him to be unable to refute.

'Let's see what Del does, I need popcorn…..and fruit juice.'

Del didn't panic and he said "If everyone thinks so I will accept I may have been careless."

"As a head vice leader, I want you to be punished. Kneel and beg me for forgiveness, Del"

Del's teammate, the same one which I had seen together with the cut face soldier shouted "My leader won't do that he will never kneel and ask for forgiveness" he began to agitate the crowd.

"Is that so, Del?... My subordinate come and kicked his leg and made him kneel now."

Six of his subordinates went forward and kicked him and he kneeled. As he was kneeling he turned toward my direction as if he had noticed I was gazing at him and looked into my eye for exactly three seconds and smirked.

'Did he notice I was not Eva?' my mind was racing.

"What do you think Gamma? What other punishment should I give him? Do you think I am doing something wrong?" Beta turned towards Gamma.

Gamma-"Wega follows the rule of the forest. As the vice head leader is now the most powerful among us, he can do whatever he wants. I won't interfere. I will remain neutral. If you could give permission I would like to take my subordinate with me to rest, leaving the banquet for both of you."

As expected of the sly and most cunning person. He may have seen the red dots pointed at Del so decided to run away.

"You get my permission but if any of your subordinates want to stay for fun they may."

Gamma -"I will take my leave" He left in a hurry.

Three of the gamma members stayed and others left with him. The military wanted to interfere before but the cut-faced man had stopped its leader saying to watch out for the situation and decide later. As they could see the folding situation now they were thankful for not intervening before.

The military leader-"Vice head leader Beta, we would also wish to take leave. This is Wega's personal matter so it would be better if we are far from it. But if you like some of my subordinates would stay here. And congratulations for being the new vice head, as we always thought you are very capable."

"Welcome leader, who am I to stop the military but I hope we will have happy co-operation afterward." I could see the gleefulness in Beta's face.

"Why not, surely we will."

The cut face man and some soldiers stayed to join the fun. Gamma and military manpower were not left to enjoy but to be well informed about the situation happening here.

"Now everyone has seen the situation. I would like to know how many of Del's subordinates liked to stay loyal to him. Besides those Del subordinates who are pointing the snipers, who would not want to be with him can come to my side. And any of you all present want to side with Del are free to feel so."

The military and Gamma teammates decided to remain neutral, everyone in the Beta team supported him. On Del's side three remained with him, two stayed neutral and others joined Beta.

A fight was bound to happen but will Del lose??

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