
Act 5, Chapter 2

As much as you thought you were mentally prepared to someday encounter Chrollo in a materialized form, you couldn't move.

You couldn't even think straight and hoped you'd wake up qny moment, in your bed and none of this had ever happened.

Maybe you would even still live at home with your parents and as soon as you woke up you would run to your mother in the kitchen, hug her tightly and tell her how much you liked living with her and your father.

But just like ever since you moved in, you had to remind yourself that this was all reality and not a dream you could just escape from.

"Don't you want them back?" His eyes landed briefly on your pants before he looked back at you.

That's right.

You came down here with a mission that you forgot for a moment out of fear.

Only now did you realize that you were no longer holding the towel around your waist but were pressing your hands against the vibrating washing machine.

You felt the vibration of the washing machine slowly loosen the towel, but you couldn't move.

You had a feeling that Chrollo would do something as soon as you moved, something you didn't like at all.

He could even just blink and you wouldn't like that at all.

The towel loosened further and further until you reflexively reached for it to kwwp it from falling off your waist.

You were right with your fear, Chrollo had reacted to your movement that only concerned one of your hands.

He had come closer.

Not very much but definitely enough for you to notice, maybe he wanted you to do.

"Shit!" you cursed as your gaze met his face.

it was unchanged as was his face but his position had definitely changed towards you.

He had rised from the couch and gotten closer.

you couldn't tell exactly what it was, but something changed in Chrollo's face.

It made him seem nicer, more human.

But you hadn't forgotten your fear, how could you with the sweat on your forehead and your aggressively pounding heart?

With your free hand you felt around inconspicuously on the washing machine.

Maybe you could grab something to throw at him to distract him and run away.

The plan seemed good, but only at first.

Where did you want to go, no, could you run?

Chrollo had apparently left his phantom existence behind him, which is why the light that flooded the room and now in broad daylight also the whole house, no longer bothered him.

So you couldn't hide, pray and hope he would leave you alone in the house either.

Constantly running out of the house and driving somewhere for a few hours just wasn't an option anymore.

You couldn't run away all the time, it wouldn't change anything except maybe you annoyed your unwanted roommate and you wanted to prevent that as best you could.

You searched for words, something to say to make this situation pass.

'One minute of courage' suddenly echoed in your head.

Where did that come from? Who had ever told you that, it seemed so familiar to you?

Your parents had never said anything like that to you, you were sure of that, so from who did these words come from, because these yours weren't either.

But whoever said it was right.

You only needed a minute of courage for this situation to pass or at least change.

But at this point your brain was only working on emergency power, which is why you just started talking without a real plan.

"M-my pants," you stuttered while pointing your finger at the fabric dangling in Chrollo's hand, your gaze fixed on it just so you didn't have to meet his gaze.

His arm lowered.

"You want them back?" he asked and you had to try not to roll your eyes, the answer was obvious wasn't it?

Nevertheless, you nodded, and a smile, which you only noticed from the corner of your eye when you stared at the trousers, crept almost imperceptibly onto his face.

He just threw them at you because and because you were so surprised you almost missed catching them and only got hold of them at the very last moment.

When you looked up again, Chrollo was gone.

You blinked away the tears that pooled in your eyes.

'There's no need for you to cry,' you scolded yourself.

In fact, it went a lot better than you thought.

You had expected that he would demand something from you, maybe even something that you couldn't give him with the best effort in the world.

But you were glad that he apparently only wanted to annoy you, even if it was surprising.

You put on your pants in a flash and then you finished the laundry.

When the first load came out of the dryer, it was still very warm and you put your hands in the warm fabric for a moment.

It was incredibly comfortable to fold the warm laundry, so comfortable and relaxing that you didn't expect to meet Chrollo again as soon as you stepped out of the basement.

So when he sat stretched out on your couch, you let the laundry basket fall which hit the floor with a bang and threw out a few pieces of your laundry.

You almost forced yourself to bend down and put everything back in the hamper, you found it very difficult to wake up from your rigid state once you froze.

You quickly grabbed clothes with both hands, which you then carelessly threw into the basket.

The laundry was still warm, but a third hand helping you collect everything cooled it down.

Chrollo also threw some laundry in the basket and as you put your hand on the fully collected laundry to hold it down so it wouldn't fall out again you could feel how much colder some items were.

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