
Betray Draven

"Don't stay out there. Come inside," Timothy urged Draven, quickly pulling him into the forge before anyone could recognize the infamous Reaper. Once they were safely inside, Timothy quickly flipped the wooden sign outside to read "closed" and led Draven into his home. As they stepped through the door, Draven took in his surroundings, noticing that the inside of the house had undergone a dramatic transformation. Gone were the piles of clutter and empty ale bottles that once littered the space, replaced by a tidy, clean interior. It was clear that Timothy had made an effort to turn over a new leaf and abandon his drinking habits. Draven couldn't help but feel proud of his old friend for taking steps to improve his life.

Draven inquired about Timothy's daughter, "Is Sheryl around?"

Timothy replied, "No, she's at school. Your actions have led to a significant change in the kingdom. With the Clown eliminated, the criminal organizations in Veland were thrown into disarray. They were like headless chickens, aimlessly running around. The soldiers of King Richard took advantage of the situation and were able to track them down with ease. With no more criminals to terrorize the kingdom, the schools were allowed to reopen."

As Draven settled in, he asked Timothy about the changes that he noticed in the kingdom. Timothy took a deep breath and replied, "Your actions have brought stability to this kingdom. People can now safely walk the streets even in the dead of night. They no longer live in fear of being attacked by the Clown and his men. Your defeat of the Clown has put an end to his reign of terror."

Draven nodded, pleased to hear that his efforts had made a difference. He then asked, "And what of the ruling of the kingdom? Has it become easier?"

"Of course," replied Timothy. "Without the Clown's interference, King Richard can now rule with ease. The soldiers are able to maintain peace and order, and the people have confidence in their rulers. Your actions have made the kingdom a safer and better place."

Draven's attention was then drawn to the drop in crime rate. "What about the crime rate?" he asked.

"Since your victory over the Clown, crime has dropped drastically," said Timothy. "With the Clown gone, the criminals have lost their leader and are now scattered. The soldiers have been able to apprehend them easily. The streets are now safer for the people."

Draven couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what he had accomplished. His actions had made a significant impact on the lives of the people of Veland, and it was a feeling he would never forget.

Finally Draven opened his mouth "It's not just about stopping them from hurting more people. It's about making sure they pay for what they've done. These criminals have caused so much suffering and death. They don't deserve a second chance."

Timothy listened carefully to Draven's words and started to see his point. "I know what you mean," he said slowly. "Sometimes it feels like apprehending them alive is just a way of delaying the inevitable. They'll just escape and hurt more people again."

Draven nodded in agreement. "Hmm. That's why I do what I do. I make sure they can never hurt anyone again. I know it's not pretty, but it's necessary."

Timothy sighed and looked down at the ground. "I never thought I'd agree with killing someone, but I can see that you're right. If it means protecting innocent lives, then it's worth it."

Eventually after Draven learned about Veland's state, he inquired about the Black Knight. Draven looked at Timothy and asked, "What about the Black Knight? Is he still around?"

Timothy shook his head. "No, ever since the Clown died, the Black Knight disappeared. I haven't seen or heard anything about him. It's as if he vanished into thin air."

Draven's expression remained unreadable. "I see," he said after a moment. "If he had killed Clown, Veland would have been in a much better state by now. His rule against killing caused as much suffering as the Clown did,"

Timothy nodded. "Yes, that was his code. He believed in rehabilitation and second chances. That's why he never took a life."

Draven scoffed at this. "That's foolish. Criminals like the Clown and his minions will never change. They will continue to hurt and kill innocent people. Killing them is the only way to make sure they can't hurt anyone else."

Timothy hesitated before speaking. "I used to think like the Black Knight. I believed in rehabilitation too, but seeing what you did in Veland and how it changed things... I'm starting to believe that maybe you're right. Maybe some people can't be saved."

Draven nodded in agreement. " I'm not saying that everyone deserves to die, but some people are beyond redemption. The only way to keep others safe is to eliminate the threat completely,"

Timothy glanced at Draven's armor and noticed the dents and scrapes. "So tell me, what do you need? I assume you need your armor repaired. Damn it looks like you went through hell," he said, eyeing the damage.

Draven nodded. "Yes, I need my armor repaired, but I also need something else. Can you forge this for me?" Draven retrieved the rolled-up blueprint from his coat pocket and handed it to Timothy. As Timothy studied the blueprint, his expression shifted from curiosity to shock.

"Where…where did you get this?" Timothy asked, his voice shaking.

"It's better if you don't know," replied Draven.

Margoth, the ancient god inside Draven's mind, could not contain his impatience. "Ask him if he can forge it or not!" he shouted in Draven's head, his voice echoing like thunder. Waiting was not Margoth's forte, and he was eager to see the shoulder cannon come to life.

Draven couldn't help but wince at Margoth's booming voice. He took a deep breath and turned to Timothy, the master blacksmith, who was still studying the blueprint with a puzzled look on his face.

Clearing his throat, Draven asked, "Can you forge it for me?" His voice was calm and collected, in contrast to the raging tempest inside his head.

Timothy took another long glance at the blueprint, his eyes scanning every detail. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and nodded. "I can, but I assume you want it to fit into your suit of armor on your shoulder," he said, his voice laced with concern.

Draven nodded in agreement, and Timothy continued, "I can certainly forge it for you, but it looks like I'll have to make some modifications to the design. We wouldn't want the cannon to scorch your face when you fire it inadvertently,"

Draven's armor clanged heavily as he stumbled into the forge. Timothy watched as the young man struggled to remove the armor, his muscles bulging with each tug. Draven let out a low growl of pain as he finally managed to remove the chest plate. Timothy was taken aback by the sight that greeted him - bruises and blood clots adorned Draven's muscular body. It was clear that he had been in a brutal fight, even with the protection of his armor.

The sight left Timothy with a feeling of awe mixed with horror, wondering how Draven had managed to survive such an ordeal. It was clear that the average person would have given up or died with these types of injuries, but Draven's unyielding thirst for revenge and desire to avenge his family had driven him forward despite the odds.

As Timothy worked on repairing Draven's armor, Draven couldn't sit still. He didn't want to wait idly and waste time while Timothy worked. Instead, he donned his coat over his loose white shirt and black trousers and stepped outside. The warm breeze carried the sounds of the city, merchants hawking their wares, children laughing and playing, and the chatter of people going about their daily lives. Despite the chaos he had unleashed in Sinith, Draven couldn't help but feel a sense of relief to see life returning to normal in Veland.


As Draven was exploring the city, Sarah exited a store after completing her errands. She discreetly made her way toward Timothy's forge, knowing that Draven would likely be there. However, after walking for a few blocks, Sarah noticed that someone was following her. Despite being a seasoned hacker who had worked for UFH for years, she was also trained in spotting a tail and defending herself. She surveyed her surroundings and caught sight of her pursuer's reflection in a nearby window. She quickened her pace, but the figure continued to follow her.

"We need to talk,"

Suddenly, the figure approached her from behind and whispered into her ear, causing Sarah to shiver with fear. She recognized the voice immediately and reluctantly followed the figure into a dark alleyway, far from the bustling street. The figure removed its cloak, revealing a young woman with short black hair whose striking features would catch anyone off guard.

To her surprise, it was Tempest Gale, her once-best friend who had turned into a B-class superhero. Despite the familiarity of seeing a friendly face, Sarah couldn't help feeling reluctant about the encounter.

"I didn't think I would see you here, Tempest," said Sarah, her voice laced with reluctance. She looked over her shoulder, her heart racing at the thought of getting caught by Draven with a superhero of UFH.

Sarah felt a pang of guilt as she stood before Tempest Gale, her once-best friend and a B-class superhero of the UFH. The memory of her betrayal towards Draven weighed heavily on her conscience, and she knew that she had to make things right. Her only hope for redemption was to earn Draven's trust and assist him in avenging his family. Only then could she ask for his forgiveness and make amends for her past mistakes.

Tempest Gale's voice carried a mix of emotions - anger, regret, and disbelief - as she confronted her once-best friend, Sarah. "And I couldn't believe you were running around with a criminal until I saw it with my own eyes," she said, her voice laced with disappointment.

Sarah's expression hardened, and she frowned her brows at Tempest Gale's words. "Why are you here, Tempest? Are you going to arrest me and bring me to UFH?" she asked, her tone defensive.

Tempest Gale sighed, shaking her head. "If you were someone else, yes. But you happen to be my best friend. So, I'm here to put some sense into your thick skull," she said, her tone softened with concern.

Tempest Gale looked at Sarah with a mix of concern and disappointment in her eyes. "What happened to the Angel of Lotus was not your fault, Sarah," she said, her voice softening. "I know you're trying to make up for it by helping this criminal who saved you, but you need to listen to me. I've heard what he's done. The man you're with is a murdering maniac. He's a psycho. Help me take him down and I will get you a good deal with UFH,"

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Check out my new stories connected to the HBS universe; Anti Hero With a Legendary System and Dictator with a Badass System. The links are in the synopsis.

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