
The Final Showdown II

The Black Knight wore new armor instead of his old pure black armor. This new armor resembled Draven's except it had silver linings around the edges as well as thick armor plates to protect the Black Knight from getting stabbed.

[Ding! Legend increased]

[The host has earned 50 Legend Points]

[Ding! Legend increased]

[The host has earned 60 Legend Points]

[Ding! Legend increased]

[The host has earned 70 Legend Points]

Draven heard continuous system notifications inside his head. He wondered why the sudden explosion in LEgend points until he noticed the tubular crystals fixed around the building. Now that he noticed the crystals, Draven realized that the Clown was live streaming everything. To be honest, Draven was glad the Clown was doing it. After seeing him kill the Clown, the other supervillains and criminals would shudder to commit a crime in Veland. However, The Black Knight stood between him and the Clown.

"Now that our contestants are in place, let's go through the rules and regulations," As usual, the Clown talked in a raspy high-pitched voice and burst into laughter at the end of his sentence. Hanging on the chain, The Clown waved his hand as a seven feet tubular-shaped glass container emerged from the ground several meters behind Draven. The container was designed to contain Draven and prevent him from teleporting.

"I have a weird feeling about this pod Draven," Margoth sensed danger from the pod so he advised Draven to be cautious.

"The rules are simple. Listen to your handsome judge me," THe Clown lifted his head up for a moment before shouting again,

"You, our guardian of Veland have to put this murdering maniac into the pod and lock it," The CLown talked, looking at The Black Knight and turning his gaze towards Draven,

"You, my friend who likes to murder my comrades have to kill The Black Knight. Whoever accomplishes their task first will get to touch this precious little toy that could release all these poor citizens of Veland, The Clown retrieved the device with the red button from his back and showed it around,"

"But we can't have a game without rules right? First rule, no trying to break the glass between you and your gifts. You cheat, they die. Like this," The Clown suddenly pushed a button on the cube as Draven, and The Black Knight saw a dead boar hooked to a chain using a meat hook rolling above the bubbling green acid. When the CLown pressed another button, the meat hook exploded, releasing the dead boar into the green acid.


It didn't even take a few seconds before they all noticed a few bones floating on the surface.

"If you don't want that to happen to those people, follow the rules. Now to rule number two, no trying to reach your judge. I am looking at you mister murdering maniac," The Clown directed his gaze at Draven,

"This is not the only button connected to those poor chaps. If my co-conspirator," The Clown pretended to whisper,

"Is looking at everything. If you do something funny, she will press the button, and they will all die. Oh shit!" suddenly The Clown shut his mouth closed,

"It's not she. It's he. Just…just forget about the gender part. Move on to the next rule. Suppose you two try to have a change of heart and decide to gang up on your judge. In that case, not only will the hostages die, but also my men will break out of the cages and kill every single soldier out there. I mean, even if they can't kill every single one, they can do some damage. Man, look at those hungry puppies!"




The brutes rattled the iron fence, but they couldn't rip it apart. Each brute looked like they ate a human fully. They were muscular, tall, and crazy enough to die for the Clown. There were at least two hundred brutes behind the iron fence. In case they escaped the building with the intention of causing as much damage as possible, Veland was looking at a large-scale riot and a mini-war. And Draven knew every war has its casualties. So the only way to stop all this madness was to kill the Clown. As for the device with the red button, Draven had a plan.

"No more rules!"

The brutes erupted into a thunderous roar,

"Now let's begin the fight. Ding ding ding ding!" The Clown tried to mimic the sound of a bell hitting and entered a glass cage to view the battle between Draven and The Black Knight.

"Enjoy the last minutes of your life Clown," Draven looked up at the Clown, who settled into the glass box, and said coldly.

"Oh, an angry contender. That's what we like, hehehehe," The Clown burst into laughter as Draven turned his gaze back to The Black Knight.

"BEGIN!" The Clown shouted as the poles the hostages were tied to trembled.

Without wasting any time, The Black Knight dashed at Draven. Still, suddenly, The Black Knight tossed a pouch on the ground that instantly exploded to release a thick cloud of smoke. Draven's eyes shut close as the smoke irritated his eyes. Using Draven's momentary stun, The Black Knight kicked Draven in the chest, pushing him to the glass container behind him. The kick had enough force to almost put Draven into the container. However, Draven quickly grabbed the two metal railings holding the glass container together, stopping him from stumbling into the container.


Draven spread open his wings and flapped them to push away the smoke. When the smoke cleared, Draven didn't see The Black Knight. But out of nowhere, The Black Knight jumped on Draven from above and grabbed Draven's wings.

"Ooh look at how Black Knight goes. The murdering maniac is in trouble. That's experience for you people. That's how he has been kicking out asses for years," The Clown provided a commentary for the battle as it happened.

Because The Black Knight was on him, Draven couldn't use the teleportation power.




The Black Knight bombarded Draven with punches hanging onto Draven's neck and wings. Each punch felt like he was being hit by a heavy hammer to Draven. Leonard's speech fueled the Black Knight's anger and wrath, unlike before. Coupled with the Black Knight's experience, he overpowered Draven. However, The Black Knight didn't have the upper hand for long as Draven pushed himself back onto the container. Considering the Black Knight was on his back, the Black Knight collided with the container. As a result, his grab around Draven's neck loosened up.

As soon as Draven felt the Black Knight's grip loosening, he grabbed the Black Knight and slammed him against the floor. He then quickly closed his wings before dashing at the Black Knight. The Black Knight tried to quickly get to his feet, yet Draven closed the gap between them in a blink of an eye using the teleportation power. First, he kicked the Black Knight in the gut only to get his leg numbed due to the heavy armor on the Black Knight. Still, Draven teleported around the Black Knight, kicking him again and again.

"Now the murdering maniac has gotten the upper hand. Come on Blacky, get up and finish him. The whole Veland is behind you and obviously, my vote is for you,"

Draven ignored the Clown's shouts and focused on knocking out the Black Knight because Draven knew as long as the Black Knight stands, he wouldn't let him kill the Clown.


Under Draven's rapid kicks, the Black Knight flicked his wrist as a grappling hook shot out and coiled around the container. The next moment, the Black Knight glided to the container, escaping Draven. While gliding, The Black Knight threw another smoke bomb to stop Draven from reaching him. Yet again, Draven opened his wings to clear the smoke. Finally, however, the Black Knight clenched his fist as the silver coin stuck to Draven's back flickered.

Draven heard a ticking sound, and before he could find out what it was, the coin exploded and blasted Draven onto the glass wall shielding the hostages.


"That sneaky fucker!" Margoth snarled with rage. On the other hand, Draven wiped off the blood flowing out of his nostrils. The Black Knight saw Draven getting back to his feet and cracking his neck despite the explosion, which would have knocked out many villains The Black Knight fought in his life.

"Look at that intense killing intent in his eyes. Is this where he will do something mind-blowing to defeat The Black Knight?"

As they were fighting, Draven's legend points rapidly increased. The moment the points reached 500 Legend points after settling the debt of 600 points, Draven willed the system to give him a berserker pill for 500 points.

"Wait what? Where did that pill come from?! Is he a magician?" The Clown got confused as he pressed his face against the glass to take a closer look at the crimson red pill on Draven's palm.

"It would be wise for you to surrender," The Black Knight said to Draven in his cold, hard steel-like voice.

"Funny, I was about to say the same," Draven replied to The Black Knight and tossed the pill into his mouth. As soon as Draven swallowed the pill, The Black Knight noticed Draven bulking up. He grew a few inches taller and wider as his eyes became blood red. Even the veins on his face bulged up.

"Oh, I feel the battle is about to be lit!" The Clown shouted in excitement.




The brutes yanked the fence, screaming as loud as they could.

"Let's finish him off, Draven," Margoth growled.

Finally, the transformation stopped. Therefore, Draven walked towards Draven, and his walking soon turned into running. But, on the other hand, The Black Knight also dashed at him to collide in the middle.

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