
Big Boar

The lake by which Silem was located was very large and unevenly shaped. Only a part of it could have been seen from the hill itself. Aron assumed that there may be other human settlements somewhere in the area, but so far he has not had a chance to meet people near the lake.

Thinking about where he currently is, he assumed that he must be somewhere in the middle of the Dead Wasteland. The great cliff to the west and north must have been a barrier against the wastelands. According to legends, beyond the wasteland there were kingdoms in which magic and magicians were a common sight. But so far, there was none of those in his sight.

The young man had high expectations because the chest was quite heavy. He couldn't wait to see the treasures it had in store for him.. Without any hesitation, he leaned over the box and after a while managed to open its lid. To his eyes appeared ...

… Rolls of rolled wet linen. Hoping to find something else hidden inside the chest, he began to tip over the bales of fabric just to confirm that the box contained only linen… About a hundred meters of wet linen cloth. The resigned young man sat down heavily on the rocky beach. But after a while he became enthusiastic again. In the end, someone had to transport this box on some ship, and as a result of some incident the box had to land in the water. Which meant that the people living by the lake must have some water transport capabilities. Nobody carries this amount of material on a fishing vessel, that means this chest contained goods that were meant for trade. Somewhere in a bay there is place significant and large enough to trade with other settlements around the lake. It's just that Aron hasn't had a chance to see any of the ships yet.

The linen fabric itself was also very necessary for Silem, the inhabitants must be dressed in something after all, clothes all get dirty and worn out after some time, so they need a repair or a new ones, and those won't be made out of thin air.

After a while, the young man was dressed and carried bales of linen cloth on his shoulder. As soon as he climbed the hill he called Bron and Moris to bring the chest from the beach. When he reached the defensive structure with a bale on his shoulder, he saw that more than half of it was already dismantled. He put the linen down, picked up one of the spears, and headed towards the trees on the peninsula. As he was walking towards the camp, he noticed a piglet among the trees. Not having any breakfast as of yet he decided that little piglets were the perfect meal to fill up his hungry stomach. Few minutes later he found himself holding his spear in both of his hands at the place where fresh signs of piglets could be seen.

And then it came, a faint sound could be heard from nearby bushes, as soon as he heard that he lied down and started silently crawling towards them. When he peaked his head through the bushes he saw five little piglets playing in a small puddle of mud. He gripped his spear tightly and was about to thrust it at one of the little piglets but, he stopped half way, he have heard another sound, one coming from behind his back. It was the sound of something running straight at him, breaking every branch on its way. In the split second he realized his mistake, where there are children, there usually are parents as well.

He quickly turned around and pointed his spear at the sight where the sounds were coming from. After few seconds the big boar saw appeared in front of him. She must have weighted at least one hundred kilo. As soon as she noticed him, she charged straight at him without any hesitation. The only thing that he could do now was pray that his spear won't break under tremendous weight of that beast. As they collided his spear hit it's target but was unable to penetrate very deep because of the thick hide covering the mother boar. Not only that the impact threw the spear out of his hand and pushed him onto the ground.

Aron overestimated his strength, he knew that facing an angry boar could be fatal, but there was not much time to think about that as the angry boar turned around and was about to charge Aron again. Despite being wounded by a spear his speed was just as fast as the first charge. With it's bloodthirsty eyes and sharp tusks he was charging full speed at the young man, Aron quickly stood up and grabbed the sword. He dodged the next charge by the skin of his teeth, slicing his sword at the side of the boar.

This boar was not normal, the sword should have made a clean cut but it barely penetrated it's tough hide, this boar was bigger, stronger, and faster than any boar he has ever faced he thought to himself, he knew that the next charge is coming. The boar turned around once more and ran full speed at Aron, this time Aron was ready, he dodged to the side at the last second and thrusted his sword in between the ribs of the boar. The sword had penetrated half way and got stuck inside the body of the boar, which kept running forward.

After that charge it turned around again and got ready to run again at the swordless Aron, as it started moving young man had only one thought on his mind, I've got to run, I can't see where my spear is and my sword is stuck inside this boar. But then he noticed something blood was pouring out of the wound on the side of the boar. The angry boar saw ran but not as fast as before, and as she got to around 3 meters away from him it collapsed on the ground as a puppet with its strings cut.

This is definitely the biggest boar he has ever killed he thought to himself, if we process it properly and dry its meat we won't have to worry about food for quite some time. He was about to start the butchering of the boar when he heard someone calling for him

"Sir Aron where are you?!"


Screamed Aron, and after a while two men came out of the nearby bushes.

"We were worried about you, you told us to bring that chest back to the camp, but when we did so you were nowhere to be seen… wait a minute what's that near that tree? Is that a boar?!"

Said Bron while still breathing heavily.

"Dear gods, a boar this size must have already produced a mana crystal inside his body, making him at least as strong as a horse. Did you kill it all on your own? "

Asked Moris with his shocked face.

"And what does it look like to you?

Said Aron with a smug.

"I'm glad you are there, I could use some help bringing this big girl back to our camp."

Morris, with the help of Bron, immediately started gutting the boar, and after a while he had a small mana crystal in his hand.

"If I understand correctly, mana crystals are not only found in goblins, right?"

The young knight asked, accepting the crystal from Morris.

"Of course not, young sir. All monsters and some wild animals, after staying in the right environment for a long time, are able to create a mana crystal inside the body. Such animals, like this wild boar, are much stronger than their kin. And sometimes they even get special abilities. "

Morris related with commitment, but after a while he sighed heavily.

"It's a pity this sow isn't together with the piglets. They could be caught and domesticated. However, it seems that this one must have lost them recently. "

"It just so happens, my dear Morris, that there should be five piglets a bit further."

The young knight laughed and continued.

"That's why I came to this place, because of them. They certainly haven't spread far and we'll still be able to catch them. But does this mean that when we domesticate them, we will have a steady flow of mana crystals? "

"Unfortunately not. Most domesticated animals lose the ability to grow their own mana crystal, but I don't know why this is so. "

Morris sighed. After a while he and Bron were already carrying the carcasses to the camp on the hill. Only then did they properly debark and cut the meat. Aron during this time took a few pieces of meat and began to prepare them over the fire. He was already so hungry that he ate a few barely baked pieces at once.

Morris walked over to the young knight and, with another piece on a stick, sat down next to him.

"I asked Bill to prepare a simple weaner pen and sent three boys to catch them. I told them that if they came back with nothing, they would get nothing to eat today. Bron puts the boar hide for drying, which will surely be useful in the future "

"How about the lumberjacks? How many trees do we have and when can I expect the first cottage to be built? "

The young knight asked, getting up and dusting himself off.

"I don't know that, my lord, but I can ask Bill. However, he mentioned something about the fact that he wants to use a reed for roofs, and for it someone's have to go to the lake. It does not grow along the entire shoreline. Thanks to reed we will be able to save on wood, but we will have to send someone to get the reed "

"I see. Would you take care of it? And when Bron is done send him to me. "

"Of course"

Moris nodded, and Aron began picking out two equal-length sticks from a nearby pile of branches. The sticks were to be used as safe swords for training.

Seeing how pathetically Bron fought against Moris, he decided to teach his future squire swordsmanship.

Traditionally, it was not knight schools that taught knighthood techniques and attitudes to future knights. It was a knight or a feudal lord who took squires into service and taught them to fight, chivalrous behavior, and the technique of aura.

So it was Aron's duty now to educate his squire until he was a full knight.

There were complications, but I'm back :D

SonGoku0_0creators' thoughts
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