

"Bron, I have two ax heads in the saddle of one of the pack horses. I need you to make two handles for them." Aron said as he walked towards the pack horse.

"Yes, Mr. Aron," Bron replied.

After a few moments of searching the saddlebags, he finally found a small tent. The night before, he didn't want to unfold it because it was too late. But now it could be helpful.

Aron sighed. This tent would be his home for at least the next few days.

Aron looked around and saw that Bron was already cutting down branches of a nearby tree to make handles. Aron was satisfied and began searching for the best place to set up the tent and soon found the perfect spot in the middle of the hill.

As soon as he finished his task, Bron helped the young knight. When they finished setting up the tent, Aron heard a familiar sound.

[Ding Ding]

Once again, two portals opened up right in front of them. Bron jumped away, his hand on his ax.

"Bron, take it easy. It's just the magic of the grimoire." Aron said quickly.

The man nodded and relaxed.

Thankfully the horses were tied to the trees a bit further away and didn't even notice the portals appearing.

Two new men stepped through the portals, both falling to their knees almost immediately in front of Aron.

"I am Bil, and this is Gil, my brother. We have nowhere to go. Please accept us."

They certainly looked like they had nowhere to go. The two men's clothes would not be envied by the poorest inhabitants of Komes County.

The brothers looked very much alike, with brown hair and eyes. The only differentiating feature was that one was slightly broader than the other.

Both Bil and Gil looked like they hadn't had a decent meal in a while. The smaller brother looked up and said, "Lord, we know woodworking, and we just lack tools. Gil can easily cut any tree you want. I can also cut trees, but I'm not as strong as he is. "

"Okay, it's okay. If you help me, I will certainly repay you. Bron, give them something to eat, and when you finish, everyone will come here with the horses. This will be the center of camp."Aron answered.

Bron took the two brothers with him towards the pack horse. The young knight immediately checked the grimoire for information about two new people.

Bil and Gil were orphans. The grimoire probably deliberately chose subjects similar to him to make things easier. They lived in extreme poverty and made a living by selling brushwood and doing smaller jobs. Both had no abilities other than working with trees and had the potential to become lumberjacks. Well, maybe apart from Bil, who also had the potential for carpentry.

These were the people Aron needed the most at this point. Before the rest came back, he checked another new section. In this section, Aron could view information about his estates.

[Camp on the Hill]

[Do you want to name your settlement?]

[Only named settlements can attract new residents and build more advanced facilities]

"Yes, from today on, this place will be called Silem."


[New Settlement: Silem]


[You don't have enough houses to attract new residents]

It seemed understandable that Aron had to build houses to bring new inhabitants to his village. Still, one of the pages of this section was not necessarily so clear to him.

If he knew the designs, for the right amount of crystals and raw materials, he could build buildings using magic. However, that was not what Aron was concerned about.

[Residents can only live in houses from grimoire designs.]

The only project Aron could afford was the [poor hut] project. He could buy it immediately for just one small crystal, learn it, or give it to one of his subjects.

The description showed that the building built with the grimoire's magic had the same functions as a building constructed normally.

In the case of the [poor hut], it increased the maximum number of inhabitants the settlement could hold. However, it was to be noted that building by hand allowed for greater freedom.

Aron bought the project with great regret with his last crystal. He had to do it to get more settlers. A magic scroll appeared in his hands, which he could use alone or give to one of his subjects. Everyone who uses it will learn how to build a simple hut.

He looked at the grimoire again and discovered that there was an option to build a [poor hut] at any time. It would just cost him two small crystals and 40 pieces of wood.


[New mission!]

[Well, you're going in the right direction, bravo! Hope you liked my previous gift hehe. I will help you again. You just need to keep your settlement safe and learn magic. Don't just learn this unfinished meditation technique of yours.]

[Reward: unlocking the page in the {magic} section, five new serfs with combat potential.]

The time to complete the task was twenty-four hours. A failure would result in a significant monster attack on the settlement.

So the grimoire can punish him for the mission's failure with attacks from monsters. This was a big problem, especially since there were only four of them, and three of them had virtually no combat experience. Aron could not afford to fail.

At this point, the other three had already returned.

"Bron, did you finish those axes I asked for?" Aron asked.

"Yes, Mr. Aron, three bronze axes are ready for use," Bron said and brought him the axes.

"Fine gentlemen, since you've eaten, tie horses next to the tent and unsaddle them. Then Bil and Gil take care of cutting down nearby trees. Bron, could you repair my gambeson?" Aron asked.

"As you command, my lord." All three responded in a chorus.

Aron was a little puzzled since he was not used to being treated like this.

The young knight looked around the hill while the rest went to work.

Before starting any construction work, he needed wood. The two brothers had already started cutting, but with only the two of them, it would take quite a long time.

He needed plan. For now, he will build a few huts here to attract settlers. He would transfer them to the peninsula in the future, as he wanted to leave only military facilities on the hill.

He looked at the peninsula and realized it formed a cove with the shore of the lake, and it would be ideal for fishing.

Turning his gaze further along the lake edge, he noticed movement. Squinting, he saw that the source was the creature he had recently encountered, called a goblin. The goblin drank water directly from the lake and then walked near the peninsula's shore.

Seeing this, Aron realized he would have to face those monsters again.

For one, they were his only source of crystals. Second, they were too close to his settlement for comfort.

He decided to take action. He moved to the side of the single goblin, choosing a path along the tree line to cut off the creature's vision.

After a few moments, he was lurking in the bushes near the unsuspecting goblin. As soon as he passed by, Aron lunged at him and cut his throat.

After a few seconds, the young knight had a new mana crystal in his hand and was standing over the dead creature.

Only now, in the sunlight, could he see how ugly the creatures were.

Long protruding ears, fangs, and a disproportionate sloping face that could scare even grown men. This particular goblin was wearing a bronze knife on a vine belt. Aron stored it with the crystal in his bag and decided to take a look around the peninsula just in case.

The land on the peninsula was very even. Apart from the trees growing on it, there was nothing out of the ordinary at first glance.

That was until Aron spotted several strange huts made of branches and the skins of various animals hidden among the trees.

He stealthily made his way closer, carefully navigating from cover to cover.

As he neared the hut, the stench hit him first. It was disgusting, and it only grew worse as he got closer. The hut's inhabitants were moving around the settlement. More goblins. After a moment of observation, the young knight counted about 10 of them, one of which was slightly larger than the others. Most of the creatures were armed with straight stone spears or bronze tools.

Aron wasn't able to defeat a whole bunch of goblins by himself. However, he could not leave a monster settlement so close to his camp. Sooner or later, the creatures would discover their location.

Aron climbed up the hill where the two brothers were cutting trees. Bron sat under another tree with a needle and thread he had found in the saddlebags as he repaired Aron's old gambeson.

It was already afternoon. Time was ticking, and although Aron had a while before the timer ran out to complete the mission, he still did not know what he had to do.

Aron called for one of the brothers, "Bil, how many trees have you managed to cut down? Also, please use this scroll. You just need to tear it."

Bil tore the scroll and said, "My Lord, information has appeared in my head on how to build a simple hut. Thank you, sir," Bil bowed to the waist and continued, "We should have about twenty-five to thirty logs by evening. We could build the smallest and simplest hut by tomorrow if I start building the first hut."

"Okay, as soon as you have the right amount of wood, start building structure near the tent." Aron answered. He said goodbye to the brothers and headed towards Bron.

He suspected that the mission's goal was to destroy the goblin village. He intended to make his move just after sunset.

If they play it right and strike after dark, even with three completely green soldiers, they should be able to handle it.

When he was next to Bron, he stopped and said, "I see you're done! Get some rest."

"It's the middle of the day, Mr. Aron. Why should I sleep now?" Bron asked in surprise, to which the young knight replied immediately.

"We've got to smash some goblin heads tonight. That's why."

Now this novel have editor great 0zymandias.

So in the coming days you can expect the previous chapters to be fixed. :D

SonGoku0_0creators' thoughts
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