
Vic Timothy Storm: Confirmed dead

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

{°Vic raised his hands and form an X with his hands, and was ready to block whatever that was coming at him. However, the moment the thing hit him that was when he felt an extremely strong force, impact against his chest and knocked him off balance, and at the same time that was the last thing he felt before died.

For a brief moment, silence ensued in the entire hallway, only the sound of the storm formed by Vic fading away broke the silence within the hallway. However, within the sound of the storm fading away was also the sound of boots colliding against the floor, the sound resounded for a while before eventually fading away, throughout the entire short fight Vic didn't still know who had killed him, not to talk of how he had died.

The look on his corpse expression was filled with fluster, fear and bewilderment.°}

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