
chapter 28


The battle on Geonosis was still ongoing with thousands of troops charging at each other. The separatist was being pushed back on all fronts and a very large amount of their forces were being encircled. The separatist tactic of simply charging droids at the enemy was not going to work against the terrans and sanghelios who had years of experience with multiple ways on how to counter each tactic or formation that was thrown at them.

Not only this, but the land on Geonosis made both forces completely open for air attacks and since the separatist had lost control of this they were being bombed heavily and constantly by the sanghelios and terrans.

They still didn't know who this other enemy was, but they were starting to find out they were even more deadly than the Terrans. They had weapons that they could only dream about and the idea that an entire ship could destroy the surface of a planet like that hasn't been seen since the years during the old republic.

In the front lines the terrans had started their charge with the sanghelios and they were now unstoppable force that the separatist would have no chance at winning. It was at this point that the remaining geonosisans on the surface were not fighting to win a battle, but to fight for survival.

Unlike the republic the terrans had started to show the darker side of their face and if they were to surrender they would simply be put in a group full of geonosisans who had also surrendered and were executed in various ways. Burned alive, firing squads, knifes, energy swords, and even one of the sanghelios ships was sent in to glass an area full of surrendered geonosisans and anyone that was fighting along the separatist was also met the same fate.

To put frankly the terrans had started to lose their patience with the separatist after learning they had told their people they were murders after the attack on Raxus. They even lied to them saying they had attacked them without warning even though they had attacked them first putting fuel into the fire.

Because of this they weren't going to hold back anymore and they were going to show them what a murder really was. To them dimplomacy was thrown out the window the very moment they lied directly to their people. The Terrans know they have no say about a government lying to it's people since they've done some lying themselves, but not to the point where it would bring them in a war.

It had seemed history was repeating it self for them since the covenant had started a war with them years ago because of a lie that was created and now the very same thing was being done. The only difference was that they was going to be doing the killing.

As they got closer to their target the enormous factory could finally be seen ahead and the sanghelil sent to capture his target was about to start his plan. Turning invisible he silently went around the separatist forces towards the factory as the battle continued on.

Meanwhile a squad of grunts had gone berserk and started a suicide run on the few remaining droids holding multiple plasma grenades as they explode moments later. 

Factory after factory was being destroyed and their eyes on the main goal was clear.

With poggle the lesser he was starting to lose hope and started to think he was either going to be captured and tortured for intel or killed. The droids were being pushed further and further towards his position and the closer they got to them the harder it was to replace the destroyed droids.

Seeing that he was going to be overrun by the time his escape was setup he started to destroy valuable information on their plans and projects and only got halfway through it until a large explosion was heard shaking the entire factory.

Moments later the sounds of fighting was heard as metal falling on the ground was heard coming closer towards him. Seeing that this might be his last few seconds alive he orders the rest of his droids near him to kill any intruder that was going to come through he doors. The sounds of fighting stops along with the sounds of heavy footsteps at the door before an explosion at the door flings it open.

Before the smoke even starts to clear the droids immediately start shooting even though they had no visual of the intruder. This goes on for a few seconds before they hold fire and a long quiet pause is heard throughout the room.

The long silence last for a few moments before the sounds of a weapon being activated is heard as a energy sword is thrust through the body of a droid before it gets picked up and thrown at another taking it out. The droids freaking out fire blindly at the invisible enemy as the outline of the enemy is barley seen and the outline of this figure terrifies poggle the lesser greatly.

He had known what this new species had looked like, but seeing them up close was more terrifying than he could have imagined. Not only this but he was invisible and it seemed that blaster weapons were doing nothing to harm him.

Panicking he slowly backs up before he presses his back on a walk, but as he turns around he finds out it wasn't a wall. But the same creature that has destroyed the droids seconds ago. Before he has time to respond he is tightly grasped by the throat as the creature pulls out a weapon with his free hand and shoots at the rest of the droids with perfect accuracy.

Now with the two of them alone with poggle the lesser gasping for air the creature looks down at him menacingly. As he prepares for the worst the words of the unknown creature surprises him.

"You are lucky the humans see value in your life. If it was up to me you would already be dead. While the rest of your species die a horrible death fighting you get to see another day...for now." He says as he drops him on the ground as poggle finally breaths freely.

He was only able to do this for a second before he was taken by the ankle and dragged wherever this creature was going.

After being dragged for a while he gets slammed on a console which was the very same one he was trying to delete all of the separatist files on.

"Upload all of your plans and projects on this and if you do anything funny I'll show you what I do to those who don't obey orders." He says plugging in a drive to the console.

As poggle uploads everything that wasn't deleted on the console he gets closely watched by his kidnapper. Every single movement he made was watched for foul play like he wanted him to make a mistake.

Once he finished his kidnapper grabs his ankle again and starts dragging him again.

"I have the target. Get the transports ready for our withdrawal. We are done here."

Minutes later the full withdrawal of the sanghelios forces on the ground was done, while the terrans stayed behind for a while because of a problem. Once all forces were on their ships they started to leave the planet and right on time because the separatist reinforcements had just arrived and started to deploy fighters and landing craft.

With one final move to put them down they decided to enter slipspace very close to the surface which would leave a shockwave so strong, that anything in the surrounding area was going to be affected by it.

Once the ships enters slipspace a blinding light rushes outwards and the last thing that was seen was the separatist ships in the air falling towards the ground violently.

Last known location of republics distress signal

On a venator master plo koon was traveling towards the last known location of a distress call from a Jedi that was being under attack from an unknown enemy.

As they make it out hyperspace he sees nothing. The only thing that was evidence that someone was here was the broken and severely burned hull of a ship. It was the only signs that someone was here.

"Are you sure this where the signal was last heard from?" He questions a clone.

"Yes. I'm positive general. When the signal last shut off it didn't even move."

"Hmm. Get a search party out. There has to be something out here to give us an idea on what happened here." Plo koon says thinking.

As he thinks he gets a sense of deja vu. Ships disappearing. Distress signals being sent out before being cut off. Only difference was that there was almost no debris. And the enemy that was unknown was much, much worse if it was able to do something like this multiple times without anyone surviving.

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