
chapter 9

Over the planet of Zeridian

Days later it has been peaceful over Zeridian and ever since the incident over the planet nothing has happened there since.

Over the planet multiple Terran ships were patrolling around the planet searching for any signs of hostiles that may come upon the planet. When the infinity was attacking Christophsis days ago they were defending Zeridian Incase the republic made a move on the planet.

Aboard one of the many ships defending the planet an ace pilot for one of the ships was tapping his leg on the floor in boredom. This pilot was part of the 22nd defense fleet for terra and had some of the best pilots the terrans had in their arsenal. The fighter group this pilot was put in was newly made as an experimental fighter group for their new fighter was made and they were piloting them now.

Most people don't know his name, but everyone calls him by his call sign. sly. They call him this because he can be extremely cunning to his enemies and by the time you figure him out it's over for you.

Right now most of the pilots were going over a patrol they were going to go on and many of them hated it, as they wanted action and heard about the battles in Christophsis.

"This again. Why aren't we being stationed in the front lines? I want action already." Sly said.

"We have all the experience to bring the fight to them and not mention the most advanced fighter in our hands and we can't do nothing with them." He says as some of his teammates agree with him.

"And that's exactly why you aren't in the front lines." Their commander says to them ignoring his outburst like he heard it a dozen times already.

"Not only are you all cocky. But your flying a fighter that we don't even know the capabilities of and high command won't be happy if some were shot down because of your ignorance." He says.

"It's not being ignorant when you know your the best. And besides we all know the Jedi are the most ignorant when it comes to things like that." He says as most of them agree with him.

The commander only sighs rubbing his eyes as dealing with this squad is a mess and a blessing.

"You may be right, but don't get so full of yourself. I've seen this type of talking among many people like you and it almost always get them killed because of it." The commander says eyeing all of them.

"You worry to much old man. But if it will help calm your nerves I'll take your advice. Your already old as it is. Don't need you getting more wrinkles." Sly says jokingly with a smile on his face as everyone else snickers.

The commander was about to angrily lecture him again before alarms started to go off stating that everyone was to go to their battle stations.

"Finally some action around here already." Sly says getting his gear on before running to his fighter as the rest ran behind him.

As they make it to the hangers with all their gear on they start to go over what the problem is as they go inside of their fighters. A hologram of their sector above Zeridian shows up as multiple ships appear opposite of their position greatly outnumbering them.

"What are the separatist doing here? We are completely neutral with them." Sly says to himself as the ships shows the symbol of their allegiance too.

"Any ideas why they are are here? A pilot says to the rest of them.

"We haven't heard anything so far, but if they attack we will have to defend this planet." Their commander says to them.

"Look at that. Finally in the front lines just like you wanted." A random pilot says to sly.

Sly only keeps his mouth shut as he tries to keep his mind on the mission at hand as their fighter group starts to leave the hangers.

As they are doing this bolt's of turboblasters and lasers are fired at them by the separatist as the separatist fleet tries to close in on them.

"What the hell! Why are they attacking us? We have the same enemy, so why are they doing this?" A pilot says confused as them working together against the republic would benefit both of them.

"Ask questions later. we need to defend the planet from them." Sly says as many of the ships surrounding the planet fire back. Hidden in the rings of the planet multiple ODP (orbital defense platforms) fires their cannon at the invading ships destroying multiple ships in the process.

"Fighters incoming!" A pilot yells over the comms as thousands of droids speed towards them.

As the the two sides are about to clash sly and his team fires either fires there laser or rail gun from their ship taking out a good portion of the droids directly in front of them before a dogfight begins.

When the two sides pass each other firing their guns at each other as they pass, a group of vulture droids chase down sly as he makes his way towards a separatist ship.

Sly only smirks before flying extremely close to the separatist ship making sharp turns around the ship that a normal person would have trouble doing as some of his moves confuses the droids as they either crashed into each other or the ship.

Some of the droids still following him had enough of his games before firing missiles at him, but this seemed to only put a bigger smile on his face as he flicks a switch bedside him.

"I was waiting for you to do that." He says as the missiles that were going towards him makes a u turn before hitting the very same droids that fired the missile at him.

As he does this he fires two missiles at the bridge of the ship he was doing evasive maneuvers on as he puts the bridge in a ball of fire as it explodes on impact.

Although he has taken down multiple enemies another squad of them begins to make their way towards him as they just keep coming as their numbers start to become too much for some of them.

As the fight continues many of the separatist ships start to pass by the Terran ships as many of them fire at close range with both sides losing ships at a rapid pace.

Trying to control different fighter and bomber groups becomes almost impossible because everyone is in a dogfight and many of their wingman's has been separated from each other trying to defend themselves.

It has come too the point where both sides don't even care if they lose ships as the terrans have come to the point where they will sacrifice themselves to save the planet and for the separatist they are sacrificing ships for an entirely different reason.

On the bridge of one the separatist ships a mechanical figure can be seen looking at the battle as his main objective has been fulfilled and the real battle was about to begin in a few hours.

He only looks on for a few more minutes as he look as both factions ships starts to fall towards the planet before starting his next phase of attack.

He knew this attack would fail, but them winning this battle was never his plan to begin with. His main plan was to cause as much damage to the terrans as possible to the point they will immediately retaliate with their own on the separatist planets so the people of the separatist will see them as an enemy while he hid this attack from them under the rug.

This was his master plan and now the entire galaxy would be at war. A war between three different factions and now there was nothing preventing both sides from stopping this war if his plan is successful.

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