
Tug of War (Key Players)

Cynthia ended up being detained by the police. However, it was a one of a kind situation that could not have been found anywhere in the history of the station Cynthia was held in or any other station for that matter.

The police had gone through the trouble of emptying one of their best offices for her and asked her to stay there. The place had a clean separate bathroom with a lockable door. And if that wasn't an exception enough, someone was always knocking on the door to either bring her some tea with a smiling face or some coffee with light snacks on the side. The last time someone knocked on Cynthia's door, an officer simply came in to ask her whether or not she needed anything at all from outside. 

"Thank you," she said with a subdued voice. All that she needed was for this nightmare to end so she could go back home to her son and her family. 

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