
Cards on the Table (Part Two)

Cynthia's lips parted in pure shock, her heart fluttered like a bird in her rib cage. But when reality hit her, it hit her hard. All the butterflies he made her feel in her stomach flew away leaving emptiness behind them.

Reading her face, George prepared himself to fight for her, he took a step forward, he wasn't going to take a step back.

'She will be mine tonight,' George vowed to himself.

But Cynthia's mind was in another place completely, her brain waves and his brain waves were working on two completely different frequencies now.

There she was, thinking that George had the ability to tell things for the way they truly were. But she was mistaken. When her shock at hearing the words any woman with feelings for her husband would want to hear subsided, all she felt was clarity. One that they both really needed right now.

She looked up into his bright blue eyes that blazed with emotions and took a deep breath.

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