

I balled my hands into fists, readying myself to step in and save Winter. However, before I got the chance, a bulky guy came into view.

His heavy footsteps almost shook the ground. 

His leather wear and dark, sullen eyes were intimidating enough to scare off any average person. He stood behind Sab, looking like a giant with his raven black hair arranged in a spike.

"Stop stealing my thunder, Sab!"

The stranger's voice boomed in our surroundings. His eyes roamed, analyzing each one of us like we were some specimens he would like to experiment on.

We probably looked like that.

Unfortunately for him, I won't let either of them inflict harm on these ladies.


[He isn't a monster. You cannot evolve to fight him]

My frustration rose, igniting the itching need to hurt something.


[Abusing your capability to hurt others is prohibited]

'Even if the situation is dangerous?'


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