
My Name Is Megumin!

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!

ARC3 Ft. Aqua, Megumin, Kazuma.

Loving Chapter #13 My Name Is Megumin!


❥❥Later Morning❥❥

After both of them sort things out.

Aqua would eventually forgive Kazuma, because he offered the goddess two bottles of alcohol that he brought with definitely his money that he did not steal from someone. This is definitely going to become a habit now.

Kazuma would expect Aqua to drink it all in one go, but it looks like she doesn't have it right now as they have their breakfast.

It really does look like she can manage her alcohol consumption. Not until she pulls those two babies out of her asshole or something and then she'll go crazy.

Kazuma feels a little better after what happened yesterday, because he finally gets his boner down with the one he really wants his willy to touch Aqua.

But he feels like someone is missing…

Someone that's supposed to be here…

What was her name again?


"God damn it I forgot." He thought to himself as he coughed which caught Aqua's attention.


"Megumin! Oh shit, I didn't put up that recruitment poster, SHIT, I NEED TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW!" Kazuma screamed at himself mentally as he gulps.

"So Aqua. I've been thinking… We should get another member in our party."

"You too? Wow those ladies at the counter really do say true stuff."

"Huh what?"

Aqua ignores Kazuma's confusion. "Anyways, yes! We do need another member here, and the goddess Aqua has already thought of an alternative from yesterday." She points at the commission board. "I've already hung a recruitment poster there.

"Ah you did huh. Good job Aqua."

"Oh god. I was about to kill myself, I don't wanna continue life if Megumin went somewhere else, that's NOT my GROUP! Oh god, I really need to thank Aqua for that..." He thought to himself as he continues to eat as he's totally chill with it.

Aqua with that sweet grin of hers, feels like Kazuma has a girlfriend or something for a moment, but who knows. Maybe they'll be more than that?

"Can you imagine how many people would be begging to join our party?? They already know, I'm already perfect - So we should be already good! I also didn't accept any weak ones to join our party! Our party is strictly for the strong Kazuma!"

"I guess she's right…?" The boy thought to himself as he nodded and casually continues to eat.




You already know what's written in Aqua's recruitment paper.




The Next Afternoon!

Everything seems to be working along in the guild as operations continue normally, except for Aqua whose been waiting with Kazuma for someone to approach them, but no one did!

"No one is coming." Aqua said in disbelief.

Kazuma shrugs.

Aqua angrily groans and stood up.

"Why does everyone not want to join?? I mean I didn't misspell our names and all."

"They should be like.

Oh Master Aqua is here?? Ooh! I want to join! I want to join! Or! Hmmm, Master Aqua is here! I should join this party and be helpful!!"

Kazuma looks at her and shakes his head.

"That's not going to happen, Aqua.

No one in this shitty room is going to be like that."

Aqua boops Kazuma!


"You will see! We just have to wait longer! Okay??"

"Whatever you say, Aqua."





Later they're sitting near a table, just thinking, why hasn't anyone come until now?

"Aqua, no one is coming." He says that despite him knowing someone will come. Literally.

. . .

Aqua stands up once more and slammed both of her hands on the table.

"W-why!?! Why is no one coming to join us?? I thought I was famous! Where's my fame! Where has it gone??"

"First of all, you're not famous, and second, stop being a bitch."

"Did we just not have a conversation where I told you not to call me that?!"

Kazuma shrugs as he taps his hand on the table, waiting.

Aqua just sits down and deeply sighs.

A girl in red holding a staff is reading Aqua's set up recruitment paper.

She quietly reads it, making sure she does not mistaken herself.

She didn't meet them yesterday afternoon, but this time she has her chance.




She checked two times now, both Kazuma and Aqua.

Looking at the drawing, it's them alright.

So she approaches the party of two that's now going to become three.

"I'm looking forward for our promise later Aqua, I hope don't chicken out on this one.."

"I know, ugh. Pedo pervert, rake the farm leaves and hoe the ground, what else is there to do?"

The girl gets close enough as she stops.

"I heard you two are recruiting. Lucky for both of you, I have arrived."

Aqua looks at this girl and Kazuma's reaction felt like he just timed her entrance just the right time.

"It's a... It's a kid? with a staff and that eye patch on her." Aqua said to herself as Kazuma turned around to face Megumin.

"Yo, I'm Kazuma."

This kid smiled.

Her crimson eyes glow.

"Hmph. You two are surprised? I expected it. But! It's time that you know me!"

She pushes her cape back and the wind suddenly makes her cape go wavey wave

as holds her staff and she tilts her hat up!

That's right!! She touches her hat!!

"My name is Megumin! I work as an arch wizard, and I love explosions so much! I am powerful enough to take down any enemy that stands my way!"

The cape stops going wavey.

and it has gone quiet.

"I see. Hello Megumin." Kazuma said as he scratches his head. Trying to contain his excitement, down his pants.

Megumin covers her left eye only to reveal it again!

"Do you wish to obtain the forbidden power of my explosion magic that the world could not possibly handle?"

Kazuma looks to the side and at her.

"If so, Let us stare into the dark abyss! And once you do! It will stare back at us! It will guide you to my dark path! It's so dark indeed, all humans including you will be too weak to handle it!

But don't you worry! I am strong! Super strong! That I can handle it! If you let me join in your party, I will guide you throughout the dark dark space of the abyss and will teach you how to overcome it yourselves!"




Kazuma once again looks at a side before looking at Megumin.

"I see."

"...T-that's all you could say??"

"Yeah, that's cool. That, you have explosions. Yeah."

"Oh god! I really don't wanna blew this right now! Even though I'd rather get blew right now!!" Kazuma thought to himself as he looks at Megumin.


"Kazuma." Kazuma turned to Aqua as he was called. "Why are you acting so normal? Aren't you…"

Kazuma points down the table.

Aqua raised an eyebrow as she looks under the table only to get back up with her face red as hell.

"...you really are a pedo…"

Kazuma smirked. "Nope."


Konosuba: Love Circle!

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