
Chapter 114: Attack

~Land of Rain~

The team of Tsunade, Orochimaru, Shiro, and Choma traveled through the rain and darkness to arrive at the location in which the Iwa troops were last reported being.

The group traveled non-stop for a day and a half until they finally arrived at the location in which the Iwa troops were.

They looked upon the temporary base that the group had adopted, with them seeing the large amount of troops and tents set up across the area.

Tsunade closed her eyes and stomped her foot upon the ground, using her Seismic Sensing Technique to locate the supplies of the army.

Tsunade was able to discover that the majority of their supplies were near a river by the camp.

Tsunade knew that them splitting up would only lead to a more disastrous outcome, causing her to give the order for them all to attack the supplies.

She first located the Sensory Shinobi and guards over that area, with her letting Orochimaru take the men out using his poisons.

The group of 4 traveled to where the supplies was and began to set up the detonation tags that they had brought with them.

They each prepared for the inevitable battle to come as they prepared to set off the tags, which would alert the entire base to their presence.

"Remember, while our goal was only to take out the supplies of their army, we must also damage them enough that they become inable of immediately following us when we retreat." Tsunade told them, to which they each nodded and readied themselves for battle.

The explosion was just as alarming as Tsunade expected, with every in the camp heading in that direction as they knew that it was the location of the supplies.

Tsunade knew that making the first attack could demoralize and army, with her choosing to use an attack similar to her Grandfather's, one that the Iwa shinobi should recognize.

"Wood Style: Nativity of a Sea of Trees!!"

Tsunade weaved hand signs before a massive ammont of trees erupted and began to swarm over the area, turning the once wetland into something reminiscent of a forest.

The attack also hit a major chunk of the Rock Shinobi, with it completely taking down a decent portion of the lower leveled shinobi.

"Summoning Jutsu!!"

Orochimaru summoned a giant purple snake to use in the upcoming battle, after which he charged straight into the battle.

However, a monstrous chakra signature appeared in the distance and began to head in the direction of Tsunade.

Tsunade knew who the person was immediately, and that she wouldn't have much time until he arrived at her location.

She released her Yin Seal as she prepared for the battle with a fully powered Jinchuriki.

Choma and Shiro saw a large amount of shinobi approaching, causing them to look at each other.

"Are you ready?" Shiro asked with his voice still calm, even with the odds they were facing.

"Akimichi Clan Secret Jutsu: Super Multi-Size Technique!!"

Choma grew to a size that rivaled Orochimaru's snake as he headed toward the army.

Shiro on the other hand made a massive swarm of insects surround him as headed towards the Rock Shinobi as well.

Back with Tsunade, she saw a man surrounded by a coat of lava similar to her Hellfire Incarnate mode head towards her.

Tsunade met the man halfway as she and Roshi clashed once more.

"It's been a few years, Tsunade. It seems your strength has grown over the past few years." Roshi said in a casual tone as if he was meeting an old friend.

"I agree. It's been a while since I've been able to battle a Jinchuriki. But, with you being the third strongest Jinchuriki I know, it's not that eventful to see you again." Tsunade said with a smirk on her face.

Roshi clicked his teeth as he threw another powerful punch, one that Tsunade canceled out with a terrifying blow of her own.


'I need to eliminate as many of them as I can if Tsunade wants her plan to succeed. I didn't plan on using this yet, but it seems it may be necessary.' Orochimaru thought to himself before he placed his hands together.

Orochimaru's appearance began to become even more serpent-like, with his skin turning even paler and his face gaining a purple pigmentation around his eyes.

Orochimaru had been injected with Nature Energy by the Great Snake Sage around two years prior.

However, he was able to be guided by her and the elders of the clan due to her feeling his ties to destiny and his potential.

Therefore, he gained the ability to turn off his Sage Mode and had even become a perfect Sage before Jiraiya.

Orochimaru blasted into the crowd and began to easily dispatch the high-level Jonin around him.

Behind him, Choma dealt great damage to the shinobi around him as he smashed around like a berserker with his massive size.

Shiro also used his insects to completely overtake the shinobi ahead of him by manipulating the swarm of bugs to drain the chakra of those before him.

Orochimaru then used one of the techniques he learned from Ryuchi Cave to use a massive Genjustu that utilizes Senjutsu to casts a large-scale Genjustu that made them believe that they were each other's enemies.

He then felt a large number of shockwaves as he looked behind him and saw the materialization of the 4 Tails.

However, he continued his battle and paid it no attention, showcasing his confidence if Tsunade.

Read chapters ahead on P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023

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