
Chapter 631: Cult of Ambition (1)

"T-To what do I owe the pleasure, M-Marquess Asmodia..?"

Baroness Witrani trembled for a brief moment as she stared at the towering Demoness, though she got herself under control a moment later - sort of, anyways - and asked "I apologize... I would have prepared something if I had known of your arrival, so again I apo-"

"There's no need to apologize, Baroness. Truly. I came simply because I have a question to ask, one that concerns the Young Lady Vitra of House Renacla. She... gave me some troubling news. Do you know what I am referring to?"

The tanned skin woman shook her head, confusion gracing her sharp brown eyes as she furrowed her brow, replying "No... I didn't have any clue that something happened to Lady Vitra. W-Wait..! Is she okay?!"

Baroness Witrani took a step forwards and almost reached out to grab the Marquess' hand before stopping herself, though worry was clear on her face as she stared at the Marquess, waiting for an answer.

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