
Chapter 594: Receiving a Gift*

Anput eventually returned to the room with a satisfied smile on her lips, the Jackalkin's tail swishing happily from side to side as she watched Mother and I finish cooking up dinner, with Bessie helping us from the side as we evaluated her ability to cook as well.

The answer to that question was a resounding... kind of.

She wasn't adept at it, but she certainly knew her way around the kitchen enough to be capable to cook up food that would be palatable; unlike Jahi and the Marquess, who burnt the ingredients and concocted some type of alchemical poison from whatever they were trying to make...

When it was all said and done, we had a table covered with excellent food and filled with the people that we cared for - plus one - and it went by rather quickly, the casual chatter about Mother and I now being apart of the Nobility helping to further drive that home for me and make it less surreal, and I had a feeling that Mother thought so as well.

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