
Chapter 43

When Jason and Anna got to the hotel room, they both sat on the bed silently, each lost to their own thoughts. After like thirty minutes, Jason looked at her "I have been thinking" Anna granted him her attention then, she waited for him to continue but when he didn't, fear gripped her heart and she shook her head at him.

"No Jason, don't even think about it, don't even say it out loud, I don't want to hear it!"

Jason looked at her in confusion, he grabbed her hands in his "say what Anna?"

Anna's eyes had welled up and it wasn't long, the tears started dropping "I'm not having an abortion."

Jason heaved a sigh and looked away from her "Jason, I know this is wrong but this is life we are talking about here and not just any life, our baby. Will you bear to kill our baby? When I saw that little dot in that monitor, I developed a sense of protection. I want to have my baby, please Jason" she sobbed.

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