
6.9 New enemy

Bowen walked the imperial halls. He could only hear his loud heartbeat. He has no idea what Luoyang is being accused of.

The fact that the minister of revenue was arrested too, worries him. He's grateful he hasn't been arrested, but what if he is after they read the charges?

When he reached the throne room, the guards opened the doors. He walked to the thrones and bowed to the Emperor.

Bowen quickly glanced at his daughter and stood at the side with the other ministers.

Bowen looked at Luoyang and the minister of revenue, who were on their knees in front of the steps. He looked away when Luoyang looked at him.

Everyone looked at the doors when they opened again. Cillian walked to the throne and bowed. Tianlin nodded.

Cillian smiled at Xinyu and he smiled back shyly. Cillian stood on the other side, next to Shenyan. Fenqy looked at Cillian. Is she dreaming, or did Cillian not greet her?

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