
Who are you?

Sol struggled against the unseen force, each movement akin to swimming against a tide that relentlessly pulled him deeper into the pool. The water, an inky blackness that seemed to devour his strength, encroached upon his consciousness, threatening to unravel his very essence.

As he fought, a disconcerting sensation crept through him. It wasn't merely his physical strength being sapped away; his memories, the core of his being, felt like fragile fragments, slowly corroding in the murky depths. This wasn't ordinary water, it possessed a malevolent force that feasted upon his vitality and devoured his thoughts.

0p to maintain composure, Sol managed to steal a glance over his shoulder, seeking the face behind this torment. And there, his fears materialized, Lucas Voss, the sin of pride, stood at the pool's edge, an enigmatic smirk etched upon his face. Memories of meeting Lucas and Evelyn flashed in Sol's mind, warning of the perilous nature of these individuals.

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