
Cruel bullying

As the alarms blared and word of an intruder spread like wildfire, mages of various races, from Raizens to Lunos, Nagis to Loths, rushed toward the middle gate of the Beast Empire. They were driven by a common urgency, a need to confront the threat that had dared to breach their defenses.

However, their intentions were met with a mystifying sight. The gate, once a formidable barrier, was now shrouded in an expansive and rapidly spreading body of purple fog. Confusion rippled through the ranks of the mages as they beheld this eerie phenomenon.

Among the assembled mages, some were well-versed in the arcane arts and recognized the telltale signs of the Ancestral Haze Wolf ability. Whispers and hushed conversations ensued as realization dawned upon them. The legend of this ability was known far and wide, and its reputation struck fear into the hearts of those who heard it. Derek, the alpha of the Khan tribe, had dared to attack the Beast Empire, wielding this formidable power.

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