
Smashing Faces Into Next Week!

"The video I watched on social media was taken an hour ago from somewhere around here." My search across Bark Point led me to a local mart that was still open at such a late hour. I went inside to try and pick up on the scent trail of my target.

I was sniffing about the air when the guy behind the counter saw me and said, "Hey, man. Are you ok? Do you need something to help with your sinus?"

"No, I'm good." I continued to walk around while sniffing the air. I found nothing inside, so I went back outside to sniff around the corner.

The Blood Seeker Title that I earned recently came in handy at the right moment to put me on the scent of my target. While I was walking around the side of the mart, all of a sudden, a potent trail of bloodlust entered my nostrils. My eyes became bloodshot immediately as I started perceiving a vibrant gaseous crimson trail.

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