

Yvonne joined the following week as it was the beginning of another month and was advised by the manager to collect her full payment.

She enjoyed her work and was also happy she won't be thinking of the memories that's supposed to be dead in the past.

Her job was to receive orders from the customers, bring them to the counter, give them to Linda who will pass them to the chef in the kitchen, and take the ones that are ready to the customers.

The bell at the door rang out indicating that a customer just entered. She saw the person moving to the booth at the back corner.

She went toward the booth to attend to the customer, she wasn't looking at the person to know who he or she is but was focused on what she was writing into her jotter.

Still writing and looking at her jotter, "Order?"

The customer said without looking at the menu, "What I want is not on the menu princess."

She immediately looked up at the person, "Excuse..." She stopped talking on seeing the person, "Oh." She said surprised.

Justin smiled widely at her, "Hi princess..."

She smiled back at him, "Hey."

"I guess you remember me." He winked at her.

Yvonne tapped her cheek pretending to think, "Hmmm... Remind me, will you."

Justin gasps dramatically, "Princess?" He stood up.

Sensing, he wants to create a scene, "Truly I do remember..." Pushing him gently to sit down. "Your order? please"

He picked up the menu to check through, "Huh. I will go for Chicken and Chips."

Jotting it down, "Okay..." Looking back at him, "Drink?"

"Your best wine will be acceptable."

"Okay. Excuse me." She went away.

Justin folded his hand on his chest and smiled while admiring her as she walked away, "Pretty and sexy."

Yvonne was putting on her uniform, a high waist penciled skirt that reaches the kneel with a V cut at the back and a top tucked in with low heels.

"She wears baggy clothes to cover up her attractiveness... Maybe that's how she likes it. I wish Ray followed me here to see her." He thoughts.



Justin entered Ray's office, "Hey Ray."

Ray continues checking through the files on his table, "Hey." Without looking up at Justin.

Justin shrugged, "Ray, let's go out to eat for lunch."

Ray glances at his computer then back at the files in front of him, "Don't feel like it."

"You are so boring, Ray." Justin groans.

Talking with his head bent and eyes closed, "Justin I am not and you are distracting me."

"I came from my company which is a 30-minute drive here and..."

"Please don't make me feel guilty, I don't feel like going so that would be next time."

"Fine... Suit yourself." Justin went out in anger.


Justin still in deep thought, "Ray should loosen up or will drive people away from him."

Yvonne came to him with his order. She called him to bring him back to present, "Sir, your order."

Justin winks at her, "Are we moving onto formalities?"

"Customers are referred to Sir or Ma'am here." Trying to explain.

"Oh okay... Thanks..." Smiling at her.

"Excuse me." Turning to the counter's direction.

"Wait, princess..." Pausing for some time, "When are you ending your shift for the day?"

She pretended to think, "Hmmm..."

Justin, catching up on her act, "No lies princess."

"Why asking?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

Ignoring her question, "Please princess." Looking at her with puppy's eyes.

Yvonne laughed at the puppy eyes he made, before responding, "In the evening around 5 - 5:30... Yeah, I should be out by then."

"Okay... Thanks. My bills." Smiling at her.

Yvonne nods her head, He started eating his lunch while She went to get his bills.

He ate and left shortly, keeping his money under the plates.

Yvonne went back to his booth as he left, to clear the plates and take the money he dropped.

Under the plates, he wrote to her on the mouth wiper, telling her to take the tips knowing she won't accept it physically, he kept with his bills.

At the counter, after paying for his order, the tip was 3x his bills.

Yvonne shakes her head, "Justin seriously." Talking to herself.

4 hours later, Yvonne's shift ended, she changed back into her normal clothes, keeping her uniform in her bag, waved Linda and other colleagues bye before leaving the restaurant.

Outside, She stood, waiting for a cab, she would have walked the distance home but was tired from the day's work to even try.

Suddenly, a Range Rover came parking right in front of her. She looked at the car, surprised, "Who's this? Why would the person park in front of me?" She thought to herself and wanted to move forward when someone called her from inside the car.

Justin whined down the car window, "Princess."


"That's me, princess, I came to pick you up." He came down from the car and walked over to her side.

He opened and held the passenger seat door for her, "Get in." He said politely than normal.

She didn't move from the spot, just looking at him then at the car surprised.

"Calm down princess, just want to offer you a ride home and maybe go out for dinner."

She looked at him suspiciously, "Thanks, why?"

"Friends help each other princess and go out for dinner sometimes." He shrugged at his reply.

"Who told you, we are friends?"

"I don't mean any harm." Ignoring her question.

She looked at him for some time and entered the car, "If you insist Mr."

Justin closed the door and walked around the car to the driver's seat and opened the car.

Justin entered and started the car, "We are going for dinner?"

"Well, I am in the car already." Pointed at herself.

Justin drove down the street to an eatery that's not far from where she works. Justin made the drive to the eatery lively, saying jokes making Yvonne laugh, soon switch to talking about work, family, and many things till they got to the eatery.

They ate and stayed for some time, talking and laughing till 8 pm.

Seeing it was late, Yvonne gave Justin the directions to her house since he insisted on taking her home.

25 minutes later, they got to her house. She came down before Justin could reach her side and open the door for her.

Smiling, she saw turned to Justin and met him playfully glaring at her, "What?"

"You know," He said making her laugh, "What a melodious voice." He complimented.

"Thanks," She blushed hard, "I have to go. Am late."

He stopped her, "Wait princess, you haven't given me your contact."

"Maybe next..."

"I am not accepting that..." He shakes his head negatively and folded his arms in his chest childishly. "You said the same thing the other day I asked but I won't accept that today."

"Then how would you collect my contact then?"

He smirked, "Watch me..." He moved closer to her, collected her purse, and raised it high to where her hands can't reach.

"Hey, my purse." He opened it, took out her phone, and typed in his number to call his. After trying to collect her purse unsuccessfully, she stood there, watching him.

Yvonne glared at him, collected her purse, and went inside. They bade each other goodnight and Justin entered his car and drove off.

She entered inside, meeting Cammy and Jude eating in the dining.

"Evening everyone."

"Welcome, Yvonne. How was work?" Jude responded smiling.

Yvonne nodded, "It's okay."

Cammy greeted, "Welcome home sis... You are home late."

Jude and Cammy looked at her for an answer, "I and a friend went out for dinner."

"Ria or Samz?" Cammy asked not yet satisfied with the answer.

Looking around, "Where's Mom?" Trying to dodge Cammy's question.

Jude answered instead, "She went to bed earlier... She was tired from work."

"Oh... How was work today?"

Jude smiles widely, "Great. Thanks for asking."

Yvonne moved toward the stairs, going to her room.

Jude called her back, "Yvonne." She turned to face him, "Aren't you eating?"

"Am okay. Thanks. Goodnight." She bade Jude and Cammy goodnight, Jude nodded.

"Goodnight sis," Cammy said, she nodded and went to her room.

She brushed and took her bath, wore her nightgown before going to the bed. Suddenly, her phone rang out, an unknown number appeared on the screen.

She picked up, "Hello, who's on the line?"

A deep voice answered, "Your boyfriend."

"Excuse me? Who's this?"

Using his normal voice, "Hey princess." Laughing.

Sighs, "Oh Justin. You scared me."

Laughs, "Awww... Big Baby Vonny, glad you remembered my name and not forgetting me."

Laughing, "Justin, you are not serious... Have you gotten home?"

"Nope not yet, dropping by at a friend's place before going home."

"Oh... okay..."

"Goodnight princess Justina."

Yvonne laughs, "Night Justin." He ended the call.

She dropped her phone, switched off her night lamp, and slept off.

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