
Chapter 77 - The Party [2]

After Angelica left, I got up, headed towards the other end of the hall, and got a plate and piled some food onto it. I then went back to my seat and sat down. I looked back at Luna, her face was even redder than before, she was hyperventilating. She was currently clutching her heart, her eyes seemed to be hazy. She was totally out of it.

Well, it was to be expected. Being awakened generally puts your body into a weakened state, but this was a safe environment, so there shouldn't be any trouble that comes to her.

'If something happens to her, you better help her, Valier.'

I nearly jumped when Godsbane spoke, I sort of forgot he could do that.


'Don't play dumb with me, a beautiful young girl who wasn't particularly strong in the first place is feeling weak. And now she's been put in the same room as dozens of overly privileged children. If anyone tries to do anything like try and start something, try and help her."

'If it's something serious, I'll help her, if I feel like it.'

'That's such a depressing answer especially for a kid.'

Oh yeah, this fucker thought I was actually 15. When we linked up, so to speak, he told me that he knew of my life but he never brought up my Reincarnation, so I assumed he didn't know about it. But I didn't get why he didn't know about it. I didn't even get how he got to see my memories in the first place.

'My motivation was devoured by Beasts.'

'What a weird metaphor for saying you're lazy.'

Godsbane usually didn't talk, but sometimes he'd chip in and try to get me to do the 'right thing.' Which is fine since he doesn't force it onto me, the Fenrir was a symbol of justice. Justice was intertwined into his concept to an extent, so he naturally wanted me to do what was just in his eyes.

But, like I said, I don't mind. Godsbane's request was that I do what is just, rather than telling me or ordering me to do so. And it was not like he particularly minded if I didn't do as he asked. Depending on the situation, I would do what he requested since I didn't lose anything. And on top of that, if he was cooperative, it made life easier.

After all, he was conceptually immune to flame. Meaning that it wouldn't matter how hot the flame was, if it could be considered a flame, he could just take it head on. Meaning that I could mindlessly blast flames without worrying about hurting him. After all, if he were to get hurt and die, I'd lose a valuable weapon.

And on top of that, now that I'm his master, I'm going to have to fight Gods who have descended into human bodies and incarnated as themselves. I don't know the specifics, but it was supposedly something to do with Runes and other world bull shit. But it didn't matter how they did it.

'If there's a God who needs to be brought down. Then I shall be their judge, jury, and executioner.'

That is what I told Godsbane, and I would abide by that promise. Although I was a liar, a murderer, and a bad person overall. I didn't particularly enjoy going back on promises. And I didn't think there would be a reason for me to break this one.

Now then, I'm surprised I've not had some young master taunt me yet. This place was full of extremely arrogant young masters who hated everyone really. And they often had decent families. Arrogant young masters were the most common enemy the protagonist fought. In the Novel, they appeared a bit too many times for my taste.

Now, some of these guys were actually strong, but those ones wouldn't pick on me. It was more so the weaker ones who had annoying inferiority complexes who were going to try me. That was quite good for me though, because then it'd be plausible for the 'current me' to take them down.

Of course, even if they didn't pick fights with me, they'd call me things like 'Half Breed.' According to some of the Old Men Of The Mountain (Western name of the Hassan I Sabbah) that I sent to gather information, I'm respected by some families due to surviving in Brittania.

But, that was really only the adults, as, even though people developed faster in this world, that didn't mean that children wouldn't be children. Even the houses who had some respect for me might be threats.

Meaning that I only had two allies, The Hassan and Godsbane. Even then, I couldn't use Godsbane, unless I could find a way to bull shit my way through it.

Well, there was a third ally, but I'd worry she would turn on me if she knew that I wasn't her actual brother. Honestly, I'm quite fond of Irene, so I didn't want to let her find out anything.

Godsbane couldn't do much here since he was a fucking wolf. But he could take a human form, but again, it's sort of pointless. It'd be much easier to just make it look like I could create a beast, or that I tamed it or something. But that was irrelevant, rather than integrating into my life he needed to get stronger. And he had been, by consuming my Mana, and whatever other energies he found. Stamina, Mana, Cursed Energy, and even some of the residual Divine Power left within my eyes.

At the moment, any Incarnated God would be able to beat us.

We were both too weak. Even in this Academy, I would probably say that I'm only somewhat beyond Artorius. In pure power, technique, and everything else I'm superior. But if that guy landed any Holy Magic attacks on me, I'd suffer terrible wounds. The only way I'd win was by taking as few hits as possible, which I thought I could do.

While I was deep in thought, nature made its call and I made my way to the toilet. On the way there, I saw a group of young boys talking and drinking. They weren't drinking alcohol of course, just whatever drink was on the table.

On the way there, the kid who was leading the conversation glanced at me. I swore that I saw a light bulb appear atop his head.

A/N: If for whatever reason you don't get this, pop a comment and I'll explain or someone else will be kind enough to do so.

I practically sensed his malice towards me, same for all of his lackeys. I didn't know who he was, but he was probably just some random young master who was going to use me to create an example, or to test his strength or for whatever petty reason he had made up in his mind to fight me.

I quickly finished up my business in the toilet, and when I left, I saw them a bit further down the corridor. They had moved further away from the main room, most likely to avoid getting discovered. They signaled for me to come to them.

Now, these guys didn't seem to be strong. After all, the strong didn't need to attack in groups. They could do whatever they wanted, however they wanted, whenever they wanted. But these guys, they were in a group, in a far away little area that would be visible from the main room.

They weren't even worth looking at. But, I was craving a fight.

Even if I was supposed to be only somewhat above average, my strengths were supposed to lie in hand to hand and weapon based combat at closer ranges. My eyes were telling me they were all mages. So, it should be possible for me to beat maybe two or three of them without arousing the suspicions of others.

And so, I walked over to them, my expression didn't change even when one of them had formed a small fire ball in their hand.

"You're an insolent one aren't you. A half blooded bastard like you shouldn't even be looking at me. Especially when you're a half blooded Imperial Noble."

And so, the leader of these children extended his hand and a ball of fire began to form.

'It's slow, his movements, his cast time. Everything is so slow. I could've killed him three times over in that time.'

The boy's face seemed to have went pale, it was as if he had seen a ghost. It was then that I heard footsteps, with each step, the temperature of the room dropped, slowly, Frost began to form across the halls.

The footsteps were quiet yet sharp.

I turned around and saw Irene. She didn't seem particularly annoyed or angry, she didn't even seem to particularly care about the others. No, it wasn't that. She didn't even notice them. It was as if the ice had appeared due to her losing control and accidentally releasing her Mana.

Irene walked over to me, she went on to her tip toes and extended her arm.

"Valier, bend your knees a bit. You're too tall. I can't reach your head like this."

Edited By: WorthyAdversary

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