
Chapter 31: By Moonlight

Lilith pov

It had been a while since we had arrived on this world called Nirn.

We seem to be in a region known as Skyrim.

We had traveled to the nearby city of Falkreath, the priest had been kind enough to help heal Raime, or at least what she could do and told us to head to Solitude, Whiterun, Winterhold or Windhelm and any of those cities would have a Healer, Alchemist or priest capable enough to heal Raime.

Laura chose to go by foot while i rode Kaal with the still sleeping Raime ontop of the steed.

Laura had Infinite stamina, or so Raime had told her.

But I obviously didn't posses that, and as such why I rode Kaal and she didn't.

Laura: "How long before we reach the nearest city?"

Lilith: "I think about 2 days to reach Whiterun."

We did some small talk but nothing special except for our weaponry.

Some bandits that ambush and tried attacking us had emerged from the surroundings every now and then.

Clearly they are just as stupid as the Bandits of Pandora cause they tried using bows and arrows along with their swords,

This was the most hilarious thing I had seen.

Especially when they used their shields, the looks on their faces when our corrosive bullets eroded them away, although some shields and armour they had were durable enough to resist the corrosion element of our guns.

If magic exists here, then those should be magical equipment compared to the others they weilded.

When I had teleported besides them using PhaseWalk, I unloaded only a few bllets from the magazine of my Fire Element Tediore SMG and a bunch of the bandits were dead from a single shot.

What a joke, even Bandits of Pandora could react faster than these guys.


We had reached a forest and within our view past the trees, I could see some mountains.

Lilith: "We should be close to Riften, assuming we are following the map correctly."

Laura: "What?! Correctly?!"

Lilith: "Laura, calm down, I'm only joking-"

Laura: "Don't! I'm already scared that more time we waste, dad could die!"

Lilith: "I'm sor-"

Laura: "Quiet!"

Lilith: "Come one, I'm trying to say I'm sorr-"

Laura had jumped up and landed on Kaal and covered my mouth with her hand forcibly.

Before I could remove her hand to question her, I could hear the howling of wolf.

I got of Kaal's back and removed Laura's hand from my mouth as I readied my Fire Tediore SMG in my hands as I stood back to back with Laura, who had no weapon as she prefered her bare fists and retractable nail claws.

The silence of the wind was broken when the sudden rustling sound of bushes was heard next to my left.

I turned and hip fired a barrage of bullets at my ambusher.

Even if they were nor our enemy and was innocent, they have only themselves to blame for sneaking up on someone that could be a potential enemy in the dead of night.

Turns out I had no need yo worry as my attacked was a Werewolf!

Oh man, my inner Nerd is risking to break free once again.

I really wnat to play Bunkers and Badasses!

Maybe with Mordecai and Brick since Roland seems so serious all the time, Raime and Laura may play too.

Putting my thoughts away as I was in a battle, my Werewolf attacker had retreated as its fur was lit ablaze by the fire elemental bullets of my smg.

I threw the Tediore smg at tge Werewolf as the Tediore Digi constructor on my hip materialised a new Tediore smg in my hands, fully loaded.

My smg exploded on the Werewolf's shoulder and it howled in pain, contrary to what I thought, it did not retreat and instead charged at me.

I was about to teleport but a white blur, that was Laura, sped past me and delivered a devastating Axe kick to the Werewolf directly into its skull.

It crashed down hard into the ground and was dazed, before Laura could send another strike to it, the Werewolf sent a slash at her and she jumped backwards but her arm was slashed and she screamed in pain.

I replaced by smg with a Jacobs Shotgun and teleported besides the Werewolf as it had used its jaws to bite down hard onto Laura's shoulder.

I fired the Shotgun and it did exactly what a Jacobs should do, killed it with a single shot to the head.

I approached Laura and examined her injuries and noticed that they didn't heal despite the ones she received in the past.

Perhaps the Werewolves attacks and other magical creatures inflict magical damage which can harm and kill Laura.

I grew a little worried for her and perhaps I should not have been so reckless to bring her along with me.

???: "Hey! You two!"

A voice brought the both of us, and Kaal, to look to the source of the voice and we saw a ground of robbed individuals with minor armour plating, mace like weapons donned in priest clothings approach us with torches in hand.

They soon made their way over to us and saw the dead Werewolf at our feet.

???: "Was it you two that killed this Beast of Hircine?"

Lilith: "The Werewolf? Yes. What of it to you?"

???: "Nothing, we thank you for slaying it. We are among a group called the Vigilants of the God Stender, we were pursuing the creature but it seems our search has come to an end."


sorry for short chap, but my aun't had a Seizure and was admitted into hospital and I tried writing to lighten up my spirits but I was sad and depressed.

she is fine now but it was quite serious.

as in to the point the doctors said that if her heart stops do we want to give her electro cpr, but that can risk breaking the ribs or permanently damerging her as the after effects or to simply let her pass away.

my aunt is a Multiple Sclerosis patient and has had it all her life from her 20s up to the present age of around 72.

I think I should say this so you all would know the seriousness of this and how to prevent it to those you may know as well.

she has a collapsed disk which means she cannot walk and is bed bound.

as a result she needs a tube fitted into the bladder directly from the vagina which leads out into a leg strap cathada bag.

this is where all the urine from the baldder will go then as a woman normally would.

the infectious urine will eventually contaminate the tube which if the bag is not emptied or if becomes too contaminated due to many reasons especially lack of water, can lead to tube infections that can back flow back into the baldder and body.

this will re enter the blood stream and can cause a serious blood infection that is lethal, I forgot the spelling of the name but this is the effects and last time my aunt had it but pulled through.

I will be deleting this section after some time but fir now I feel like putting it up as I fell it is important for you all to know should this happen to those you may know.

during a seizure the person will most likely tense their mouth and teeth and could bite their tongue off, let this happen, a human jaw strength unconsciously dialed to the max is enough to outpower a prime adult male using both hands to try prevent the mouth from closing.

an old woman of 72 was stronger than a 27 year old adult that is physically fit in every way.

the nerves of the tongue will prevent the teeth from bitting alm the way but will cause mouth bleeding as I have seen it first hand. I am not an expert on this but am simply relying this info to ya'll.

enough of that...

yooooooo, Avatar Way of Water man and GOW Ragnarok!

ps, spoilers but the Mask and Rift in GOW Ragnarok actually leads to the Higher Dimension where Athena went to when she died saving Zeus from Kratos.


I will be getting through Elder Scrolls Arc quickly as I want to move with the story, the pace will go back to normal and not fast for Borderlands Universe as that is main focus until completed, then the next world is main focus. I will return to Elder Scrolls Universe in the story.

2 Elder Scrolls world chapters left.


(A/n Elder Scrolls Universe is a Tier 2C to Tier 1A rating, the God like beings are in the Tier 1 category and literally even a Nord mage or any of the Dragon Priests or Draugur are rated as a Tier 2 being. I'm not joking on this, I could give a 2000 word explanation for why, but it wouldn't be necessary. Just know I am an Elder Scrolls veteran so I now my stuff and Elder Scrolls Magic is Tier 2A to Tier 1C at least and can even reach Tier 1A. That's how brokenly op the magic of Elder Scrolls is, but guess what? Magic in Marvel and DC don't even touch a solid Tier 2C, it is low Tier 2C at most or Tier 3 average. Look on vs battle wiki for the tiering systems i am talking about. This is used as the main way to catalogue the power levels of all of fiction in an easy way. Basically, mc has that magic potential because his wish was to be his skyrim character and have its powers along with Thu'um. Thu'um can rewrite reality in a way that makes Scarlet Witch and the Infinity Stones look like pebbles rippling water, but the Thu'um and Elder Scrolls magic can cause a Tsunami that will obliterate the entire Multi-Multiverse....I'm not exaggerating.)

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