
Sith Inquisitor Valent Ochirula

As both Satele and I were about to land our strikes on Valent, he jumped backwards, flipping through the air before landing several yards behind his previous position.

His expression was one of an uncaring man. This situation meant nothing to him and he was indifferent to the danger before him.

He glanced towards me without changing his expression but I could feel an intense aura behind that gaze. It made me feel as if I was being looked upon by an apex predator. I was nothing but easy prey before him.

He shrugged, fiddling with the lightsaber in his hands. "That was some show you put on over there. I would have never expected that there was some no name loser here that could best my apprentice. Oh well, I guess she wasn't good enough. She couldn't even defeat some inexperienced child."

I tilted my head in confusion. Was he not upset? "Do you not grieve the loss of your apprentice?"

He scoffed, shaking his head. "Not in the slightest. How many comrades do you think I have watched die over the years? I lost count more than 20 years ago. What's one more? Talented apprentices are a dime a dozen. I'll just get another. I think you fit the bill quite well. How about it?"

Satele swung her lightsaber angrily. "Valent, what do you speak of?"

Valent giggled. "You didn't notice? Oh my, you are quite pathetic. It is an embarrassment to struggle this much to defeat you. The dark side loves this child. He exploded with it as he executed my apprentice. He would make for a fine apprentice."

Satele glanced towards me, her expression filled with worry.

I shook my head and spoke with determination. "I'm fine. It has been dealt with."

Valent laughed hysterically. "Oh, no no no. A piece of tape can never hold back an ocean. It will return. When it does, I'll be waiting."

*Chhh tu*

I pulled some saliva from my throat and then spat it on the ground in front of me. "I'll never become like you."

Valent shrugged again. "As I said, I'll be waiting."

Following this, he extended his right hand off to the side, leaving his palm open. From his belt, another lightsaber flew right into his hand. He then pressed the butts of the two hilts together and twisted.

*Bvvvvv* *VSssshhhhhh*

The two hilts locked together as a second crimson blade ignited. He then spun the double sided lightsaber in front of him before falling into a stance. He crouched down low with his right hand holding his lightsaber behind his back. His other arm was bent at the elbow and he held it in front of him like a speed skater.

He smirked and then spat on the ground. "COME!"

Satele turned to me. "Be careful, he is very powerful."

I nodded, not even returning her gaze. "I know. He is basically a Sith Lord."

Satele nodded in approval before turning back towards Valent. "Together then."

I smiled. "Yes, together."

Thus, a battle of 4 crimson blades and 2 blue ones commenced. We immediately put Valent on the backfoot, pushing him back with every round of exchanges. Despite his calm expression, he was being suppressed, his back slowly being pushed against the wall.


The sound of lightsabers clashing continuously echoed out as the battle continued. Around the three of us, scorched scars were left on the ground and trees. None of us were injured, but I had a feeling that this fight would end soon.

I dropped back for a moment, leaving Satele to engage Valent. Once again, I pulled my right hand back and threw my lightsaber. It soared through the air, spinning as it approached Sateles back.

As it was about to hit her, she shot into the air, revealing Valent who was none the wiser of the approaching projectile. His eyes widened in surprise as he turned his lightsaber vertically to deflect my saber.

It was at this exact moment that Satele landed behind him and immediately thrusted her lightsaber towards him.


"UGH" Valent immediately recoiled as the blue blade emerged from his chest. He dropped his lightsaber to the ground. It deactivated as soon as it departed his hands.

Satele pulled her lightsaber out and deactivated it as she watched Valent fall to his knees and then to the ground.

Valent still had an expression of shock on his face. Was he really that confident in winning? "It's a shame."

His words were forced and quite soft. He was barely able to speak. This was a dying man.

I shook my head, deactivating both of my lightsabers and clipping them to my belt. "You're done, Valent."

He sluggishly rolled onto his back, turning his gaze to the clear night sky. The stars poked through as the light of the sun retreated. "Yes, you are right. However, I shall live on through the force. I await the day you find yourself begging for the Empire to take you in. Korriban shall be waiting."

With that, his last breath escaped as he parted with his mortal shell. Never again would a soul be extinguished by this vile man.

As I processed his words, Satele walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Soryn, are you okay?"

At this point, the entire battle was finished. We had come out with a massive victory and none of us had died. Three of us were injured though. Fortunately, they were minor injuries that could be treated in the field. This was extremely lucky considering how badly outnumbered we were.

I looked Satele in the eyes and nodded. "I am fine."

She shook her head, tightening her grip on my shoulder. "Soryn, despite what Valent said, I felt it. The feeling of extreme loss, the despair, the rage, it was so cold. What… What happened to you?"

I sighed, gazing off towards the Aldera's skyline. It looked beautiful with the stars behind it. Its beauty couldn't be described with words. With a deep breath, I answered her. "Many years ago, my mother died in an accident. It was so sudden and all my dad and I could do was watch."

I shrugged my shoulders, releasing myself from her grip as I turned towards the lake, getting a better view of Aldera on the other side. "A memory of her that I hold very dear flashed through my mind as I fought Kyra. The pain… It was nearly overwhelming. It took over and formed into rage."

I laughed, closing my eyes and taking another deep breath. "I felt like I was losing her all over again. All I wanted was to see her but there was someone in my way. The rage I felt, it was incredible. My body moved on its own and the next thing I knew, I was standing over Kyra with my lightsaber through her chest."

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