
Let Me Kiss You

Killorn hadn't made a move in the bathtub. Seeing how exhausted she was, he had simply massaged her from head to toe, making sure to undo the knots. Then, he washed her hair, lathered soap onto his sponge, and continued his gentle descent on her body. When she was relaxed and leaning upon him, her back connected to his chest, he'd lower his head and whisper reassurances to her.

Only then did Ophelia slowly begin to lower her guard. Eventually, she took the initiative to also clean him, her hands shaking when she did so. He held her gaze with desire dripping through the golden folds, but patiently guided her hands. 

"It will be alright," Killorn reassured her when her tremor worsened around his scar. She nodded and carefully worked the linen towel around his muscular body.

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