
Hurt Me

Ophelia nervously sat on the vanity chair. She cupped her hands on her lap with her head bowed. She was trembling at the thought of what the punishment could be. 

All her life, Ophelia was taught to not fight back. A child of abuse, she grew up learning the habits of other people. Matriarch Eves hated it when Ophelia cried, so she often took her beatings with silent tears. Haines, Matriarch Eve's right-hand man loved hearing Ophelia's whimpers as she was brutalized, so she won't hold back her complaints.

Now, Ophelia would have to learn Killorn's patterns. How should she react to his pummels? What was her best defense mechanism to give him maximum satisfaction, so that he would stop hitting her?

Ophelia did not grow up learning the arts, literature, and poetry as her sisters. She grew up memorizing the pattern of sickening human behavior. She was a follower, not a leader. Her priority was on survival, even if it meant being a weakling.

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