
Chapter 288- Julia’s meeting with Gerald

They went to a nearby café and sat at one of the tables set up outside. The setting sun was casting golden light all over the shop, making the glass walls shine. The mild breeze was a little chilly, but not unbearably so. The weather was ideal for hanging out. A cup of espresso was all that was required to calm the tense nerves.

Yasmin took a tentative sip of her coffee and looked around the café at the young couples. Then her gaze was drawn to Louw, who was standing a little away from them, scanning the surroundings with his sharp eyes.

She returned her attention to Derrek, who was strangely quiet. "You wanted to say something."

"Amber's condition is deteriorating," he murmured. "I met her a few days ago. She is still waiting for Earl. She believes he will come back to her." He ran his fingers at the rim of the coffee cup. "I want to know what exactly happened between her and Earl. Please Yasmin, tell me everything you know about them. Maybe I can help her." 

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